Friday 9 May 2014



I used to be vigilant what my "invisible hidden man inside me" used to suggest in such a quick and furtive way that I may think that it is me who wants something while it is he who made me want that "something" !  Inspite of having no physical form, my "hidden invisible man" who is inside me used to manipulate me and make me do things as he wishes. But, feeling his nice hardly inaudible voice in my ears is already a big step forward ! Sometimes, cunningly he would say to me that I should go and open the fridge and drink a gulp of that iced soda. Some other time, he would say to me nicely that I should stay one more hour in my bed and there is no need I respect my words I gave to myself to go out jogging on saturday morning . Because words given to others have witness but not those words given to myself for which nobody other than me is witness. Conclusion: this "hidden cunning man"  tried to tell me not to respect my words and repeatedly if I don't respect my words that I give to myself , one day  I will finish by taking me for granted and disrespecting myself totally. The consesquence of this thought pattern is I will loose confidence in my own integrity and confidence. If I don't repsect myself , then who will respect me ? If i am not in integrity with myself , then, with whom I can behave in an honnest and integrated manner ? So, we should begin by respecting the words we give to ourselves before being in integrity with others. "INTEGRITY" is  one of the four TATWAS that form the core teaching of  SWAMI NITHYANANDA;  Integrity is one of the four pillars that makes the temple of a man's life stand tall with a visible "gopuram"whose sight itself takes off our sins.  While visiting the ashram in Bidadi this GURU POORNIMA, I tumbled upon his book" Instant tools for a blissful living" in which he invited us not to forcibly silence that inner chattering but watch them as an "observer".  Only effortless awareness can give us the intelligence to tackle this "invisble hidden man" who can become a harmless companion if we know how to handle him.

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