Saturday 17 May 2014

Bagavad gita rightly says, "As you sow , so you reap" If a yogi is addicted to heavy drugs, he will , (by virtue of not any international law or of even the grand impressive and much adored "physical law"..these laws are just superficial mechanism but deep Inside what makes them function the way they do is the "cosmic law" the "universal law" that is the law of Dharma of elements.

A true yogi does not poison his body, mind and spirit with such intoxicating substances as alcohol, marijuana, cigarettes, or any other mind-altering drug. Such harmful drugs deeply ruin the psyche, diminish inner strength, open one's mind to dark influences, and lead to a mind that is incapable of the sharpness, discernment and focus necessary to lead a life of wisdom and virtue. The true yogi is seeking a clear and vivid vision of Reality. The fallen yogi, on the other hand, is seeking to obscure that Reality even more by abusing intoxicants, and is thus only a yogi for show. Choose to be a true yogi, and you will achieve the greatest goal of Yoga." - Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya

my comments :

Bagavad gita rightly says, "As you sow , so you reap" If a yogi is addicted to heavy drugs, he will , (by virtue of not a man made international law or even the grand impressive and much adored "physical law" .(.these laws explain , by experiments conducted on matter and by methods making it possible for scientists to explore their deeper constitutive elements ).  BUT these laws of physics  just explain only superficial mechanism of matter however deep they seem to go inside them. Because , that fundamental bricks of which this universe is built relies on a superior energy to take part in the cycle of creation-sustenance-deconstruction and reconstruction . That superior energy has laid down a set of universal laws that makes other physical or man made laws subordinate to them. Some call those hidden and invisible laws of nature as "cosmic law" or  "universal law" or as we put it so beautifully  "ETERNAL LAWS OF DHARMA".

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