Tuesday 13 May 2014


 I Living in France was so suffocating and sad because : skies were always grey in colour except during a short summer spring and summer season so  French people in metro rail we met would not talk to each other but murmur if at all they need to do so, they prefer to just keep silent and never had the "bonhomie" of Indians laughing and chattering. Living life normally was not possible there; so , the French all go to côte d'azur and the south of FRANCE to take sun bathe on the beaches every holiday that falls in the  month July and august when all beaches would be crowded . Here in India, we have 1000 of kilometers of coast but nobody exploits the BIG POTENTIAL of our beaches  except in GOA because of the Portuguese tradition. The French return in the month of September when progressively  the sun hides behind grey sky to enter in to hibernation until the April of the following year. Returning home, they  would speak of their holidays with their colleagues about "sun bathing" and "sun bathing" for hours. Showing off their brown sun-tanned skin was a pride to the youth to seduce girls. When Indians are ashamed of their colour of skin, the French would give millions to have that colour.
So cold and sad is their climate. Indians should feel lucky we don't have to live this sad ambiance.

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