Monday 3 February 2014

Can Capitalism liberate freedom of thinking and creativity ?

Can Capitalism be equated with freedom and creativity ?

  1. Freedom demands that you have choice and do you have really choice to live the life you want ?
  2. You have choice to be the employee of some given companies that belong to even fewer groups and those that are on the market are some fortune 500.
  3. Instead of each and every village producing skillful artists and entrepreneurs , we have 500 companies for a whole nation of 400 billion people.
  4. Instead of allowing all people to follow their entrepreneurial spirit into their enterprises that fulfill them, capitalism felicitates and encourages the small number of entrepreneurs whose value is determined by fluctuating index of mass markets. 
  5. This requires producing things on a mass scale, which imposes a double-uniformity on society:  NOT only consumers have to buy from a limited choice of  standardized things but also the consumes when they put on their blue collar coat, they have to make same action on routine basis. Millions of people  purchase the same products, and a big mass of people all perform the same work with a robotic attitude sometimes. On the one hand, as consumers , they have to consume same standardized products and as an employee, they are repeating same gestures killing the scope of any creativity.
  6. Such individuality favoured by this mechanized system is often extremely superficial. Where is individual freedom or where is time for this robotic minded people to exchange true fraternal solidarity ? No scope to be free when everything is predefined for 40 years of your career.
  7. In big cities, we witness more and more high raise buildings... Architects erect glass buildings identical to each other ..we also find that these competing companies don't produce diverse products. Competition has not always positive result on creating variety and on the contrary to keep price under control , products tend to be similar to each others. Many cars of different companies  manufacture in the same factories.

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