Thursday 5 June 2014


why can't we create a day for planting trees ? LIKE environment day; we can call it "tree planting day" involving school children and college students by the by  I wonder why we have always in mind only "modernity = engineering and MBBS AND POLYTECHNIC  colleges WHERE AS agriculture is not taught as in FRANCE where we have schools separate for teaching agriculture that they call "lycée agricloe" ? WE SHOULD SPREAD AWARENESS OF LACK OF agriculture specialised higher secondary schools as in EUROPE where with other subjects , the focus is on agriculture. And if you have a critical mass of students from those schools, that will lead to creation of universities and possibly create an ecosystem for a way of life based on agriculture thus making farmers as proud as technicians. But, we should avoid doing the same mistake as in EUROPE where the contents of those agricultural schools serve the bad purpose of creating corporate agricultural firms that use "intensive and extensive" way of farming that leads to rural deserting by youths. So , India should be careful in the material they teach in those schools inciting the students to set up environment friendly farms and not as in Europe where 10% posses all arable lands and think only on benefits at short term. We should prevent India fall prey to "rural exodus" as in FRANCE where only old couples live in remote villages , youngsters going to cities like LYON, BORDEAUX etc.. In these villages administration services including post office are closing and vacating. This is what they call "exode rurale" and they are stuck with no solution to overcome this disaster. Instead, they have are apathetic before such  growing urban cities and they just don't regulate that by laws. This inaction perhaps suits the big companies.

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