Thursday 19 June 2014

one day they will return to us and reconvert to Hinduism.

when they are well educated Muslims become true Indians. It is by better education that we can make them think more liberally than what the desert man once said amid sandstorm and caravanserai. it is the mind that is the source of all evils and all good things . It is by shaping the mind of these people used to a tribal book that we can bring peace and well being among Indians but the problem is the Muslims who kill can not be called as "Muslims" they are just coolies to someone in Pakistan or some fanatic obeying orders of a Sultan somewhere else. I don't want yet to doubt our Indian Muslims because they still share our genetic pool ; one day they will return to us and reconvert to Hinduism..IT is not so difficult a job for us.
we should be  patient terrorist acts on our soil are often comes from outside India : this is not from our Muslims; this is from a foreign country; they use perhaps our Muslims as coolie for money alone ; so let us find the man who is at the source of the problem , he is in PAKISTAN or ISI ; os it should be a national problem and India should wage war against those who want to infiltrate and damage her unity ..COOLIES are interchangeable , they are like a never stopping fountain, you give them money, they will do even the job of killing their own brothers, as in confession of the terrorist caught in Mumbai, that is 90% CASE ; so let govt fid the source, if we cut the head, the tail will fall down too. But, a signal should be sent not the one they want ; a public divide they want but we should give them another thing , voting pro-hindu laws that , they never want ! laws to invite others to reconvert and join us so the problem of a opposing difference is reduced to it's minimum.

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