Christianisation of Chennai Doordarshan's Podhigai Channel
08/04/2010 14:17:19 By Thamizhchelvan -
Christianisation – A small backdrop
The Church functions with the sole agenda of Christianisation of the entire world. Christian Institutions of all denominations have the expertise to Christianise non-Christian nations, investing their political clout and money power for ‘harvesting’. The invasion of American, African and Australian countries, annihilating the natives, destroying their culture, planting the Cross, constructing the Church and ultimately establishing the Christian Regime are discernible chapters of world history. If this kind of invasion is one method of Christianising a nation, the other method is by gaining entry in the garb of trade and service, permeating all sectors of governance with political motives and finally achieving the main objective of Christianisation.
The Christian onslaught on India, which started with the arrival of the Portuguese, Dutch and French, attained greater heights during British rule. It would not be an exaggeration to say it has reached its zenith under the alien headed UPA government. Apart from conquering mountain ranges (tribal villages) and coastal regions (fishermen hamlets), the Church has penetrated the interior regions in the name of educational and health services and grabbed vast stretches of land, to the extent that the Church is the second largest land owner in India, next only to the government.
After attaining freedom through years of struggle and sacrifice, our modern founding fathers failed to exile Christian Missionaries and Institutions. They committed the big blunder of giving huge concessions to Christians and Muslims in the name of ‘minority’ rights while framing the Constitution. Another stupidity was the continuation of the Macaulay system of education. These three blunders have resulted in the falling of many sectors to the control of Christians. Even the governance at present!
Christianised Media
The media has long since been Christianized in India. As courses like Journalism, Media Management, Electronics & Visual Communication and Mass Communication are available mostly in Christian institutions even Hindu students are intoxicated with an over-dosage of ‘secularism’ during their studies. They come out of college as ‘secularists’ and function to the detriment of Hindu interests.
Also, media houses in India are either Christian Institutions or Christian funded Institutions or Christian managed institutions or Institutions employing more Christians (minorities), leftists and the so-called secularists. No wonder these institutions work with a mission of de-Hinduise the nation!
Present status of media in India
At present we come across news, reports, columns, debates and programs ridiculing the Hindu faith, insulting Hindu religious traditions, demeaning Hindu cultural heritage and belittling Hindu customs and rituals, in print and electronic, mainstream as well as unconventional media. All this is focused on Hindu youth with an aim to confuse them and create disbelief and hatred in their minds about their own religion and culture.
The same condition seems to prevail in public broadcasters Akashvani and Doordarshan. Here also we can discern considerable influence of minorities and Marxists, as the secular government of the day panders to both.
Actually, the ruling Dravidian racists of Tamil Nadu first started to de-Hinduise the public broadcasters. They influenced the central government not to use the words ‘Akashvani’ and ‘Doordarshan’ and changed them to ‘Akila Inthiya Vaanoli’ (All India Radio) and ‘Chennai Tholaikkaatchi Nilaiyam’ (Chennai Television Centre) in the name of opposing the imposition of Hindi/Sanskrit. Now, Chennai Television Centre is called as “Podhigai” and it is being Christianised.
Christian ‘Podhigai’
Myriad evangelical programs are shown on Podhigai in different names. Evangelisation is going on blatantly in the name of ‘Happy Living’, ‘Success in Life’, ‘Progress in Life’ and ‘Personality Development’. Going by the names, readers could mistake them for Human Resources Development or Educational programs or personality enhancement programs. The conductors of these programs are not Professors or Intellectuals, but Pastors, Padires and Evangelists indulging in tele-harvesting.
Christian Missionary Organisations have captured most of the time slots of sponsorship programs. Our sources indicate that some of the Doordarshan staff help them take ‘prime time’ slots. It is understood that they convince the Director of the Kendra that the revenue will increase if the slots are offered to evangelical organizations. At a time when private channels charge huge amounts for sponsorship program slots, these evangelical organizations easily get slots in Doordarshan for paltry sums from Rs.2500/- to Rs.5000/, which helps them to harvest and reap more benefits at lesser investment.
Podhigai’s Christian preaching
Let us have a look at the number of evangelical programs going on in Podhigai:
5.30 am - Victory Today (Daily)
8.30 am - Santhoshamaai Vaazha (To Live Happily) – (Daily)
9.30 am - Vaarungal Munneralaam (Come Let us Progress) – (Mon, Wed and Fri)
9.00 pm - Needuzhi Vaazhga (Long Live) – (Daily)
10.30 pm - Vetriyum Vaazhvum (Victory and Life) – (Daily)
10.30 am on Sundays - Araadhanai Umakkey (Praise The Lord)
8.15 am on Saturday and Sunday - Varalaatril Vaazhvor (Heroes from History) - a program by famous Evangelist Joyce Meyers (also dubbed in Punjabi and Telugu and telecast in the respective kendras)
Also at 10.10 pm - Punithathai Nokkiye (Towards Holiness) - a recording of Sunday Mass.
The telecast timing in Podhigai is from 5.30 am to 11 pm and the programs shown between 11 pm and 5.30 am next day are re-telecasts.
Shocking termination of Vande Mataram
The most important and outrageous aspect in the entire issue of Christianisation of Chennai Doordarshan is the shocking termination of Vande Mataram. The mandatory playing of Vande Mataram at 5.30 am has been stopped to please the evangelists. The channel straight away starts with “Yesu Bhakti” instead of “Desh Bhakti”! It means Podhigai starts with the Blessings of Jesus and viewers must either wake up by hearing the word “Sinners” or wake up to the God who forgives sinners! The channel has indirectly made the viewers sinners.
As examinations are going on in schools at present, the channel starts with a program called “Kaanbom Karpom” (Look and Learn) at 5 am without playing Vande Mataram. Sharp at 5.30 the evangelist comes. All the Doordarshan Kendras across the country are supposed to start their telecast at 5.30 am by playing the National Song Vande Mataram and the Chennai Doordarshan is the only Kendra which has stopped playing it. Instead of Vande Mataram, it starts with Yesu Mantram. Unfortunately the people of Tamil Nadu have not realized it, for they have lost their Desh Bhakti in the vicious spell of Dravidian Maya.
Impact of Christian Podhigai
The impact of the Christianisation of Podhigai is undesirable and the consequences seem to be threatening the secular fabric of the nation and its integration. It indirectly gives the government’s stamp of approval for Christian preaching, which helps pastors and evangelists to cheat the gullible masses with that dubious stamp of approval.
Evangelists create an impression in the minds of the gullible masses as if the government authorizes the Christian way of living through their programs. The titles of these programs bear testimony for this fact.
Doordarshan’s reach and impact in rural areas is more than that of the private channels. It has gained the trust and confidence of rural people through programs such as warnings on cyclone, epidemic, weather forecasts, propagation of Family Planning and other government policies, advertisements on Health and Education and agricultural programs. As the people believe the government takes care of their welfare through Doordarshan, they easily fall prey to Christian preaching too. Evangelical organizations clearly exploit the people’s trust and confidence on Doordarshan to have a heavy harvest.
Evangelists and pastors have already started touring the villages and telling the people that Christianity is the only religion authorized and supported by the government and that they stand to gain the concessions offered by the government in various sectors apart from the money and other benefits given by Christian organizations. By this kind of an orchestrated campaign, the evangelists make a killing.
Money, mission and missionaries
Canadian Evangelist Dr. Ron Watts and his American wife Dorothy Watts, missionaries of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, came to India on tourist visa in the 1970s and established an evangelical empire in Hosur on the Tamil Nadu-Karnataka border and indulged in heavy conversion activities throughout South India. As their illegal activities got exposed over a period of time, the State Government ordered the Dharmapuri District Collector to deport them.
A deportation order against Dr. Ron Watts dated 05/09/2003 Letter No: 3608/A1/2003-1 was given by Smt R. Vasantha, B.A., Under Secretary to Government, Public (Foreigners) Department, Secretariat, Chennai-600 009, addressed to the Collector of Dharmapuri and received by the collector on 12 Sept, 2003. But by then, they made a heavy harvest in South India, especially later by utilizing the “Joshua Project 2000” conceived and sanctioned by the US government under George Bush.
Along with Maranatha Volunteers International, American organizations like Bible for the World, Common Global Ministries Board and United Church Board of World Ministries worked in coordination with Ron Watts. Organizations such as Christian Solidarity Worldwide, Konrad Adenauer Foundation and World Vision helped in grabbing lands and getting political support.
India based evangelists like Paul Dinakaran and Sadhu Chellappa and many others also get millions of dollars from countries like US, UK and Germany. The funds received per annum have gone up from Rs.1865 crores to Rs. 12990 crores within a period of 12 years, from 1993-94 to 2006-07. Foreign contributions have increased by more than 100% since UPA came to power.
Tamil Nadu, which was getting on an average of Rs.700 crores, started getting Rs.2000 crores since UPA came to power. Crores of rupees are being spent in each and every district of Tamil Nadu to plant crosses, build churches and harvest souls. As these are the official figures provided by the government, one can imagine the unofficial foreign money flowing into this country.
(Ref: and In such a scenario, Podhigai’s impact will be mind boggling, facilitating a heavy harvest for the evangelists.
Impact of private media
We are aware of the private media’s bias against Hindus and its attempts to de-Hinduise this nation. From a deep analysis of the media and its functioning, we can infer a fundamentally important issue.
In our country, the majority of colleges and educational institutions which run courses on Journalism, Visual Communications, Media Management and Mass Communication are Christian. Most teachers, lecturers and professors of these institutions are either Christians or Leftists. Even Hindu students studying in these institutions become ‘secularists’ over a period of time. Thousands of students who come out of these institutions join the print and electronic media houses across the country. The names of Editors, Columnists, Sub-Editors, Correspondents and important reporters show that more than 90% of them are minorities, leftists, secularists and rationalists. No wonder the output from these media houses is blatantly anti-Hindu!
If government broadcasters also join these private players, the outcome is anybody’s guess. On the one hand the private players spew Hindu hatred and on the other hand government players support preaching by minority communities, ultimately leading to de-Hinduisation and a heavy ‘harvest’.
Podhigai shamed and snubbed by evangelists
Although media houses vie with each other to denigrate Hinduism, they don’t shy away from brazenly using the Ithihasas and Puranas to produce and air serials for money and TRP rating. They shamelessly fall at the feet of Hindus by telecasting live the many festivals like Vaikunda Ekadasi, Shivratri, Krishna Jayanthi, and Temple consecrations, etc. When Podhigai wanted to telecast a Hindu festival live, it was insulted by an evangelical organization.
The channel wanted to show live telecast of the last Vaikunda Ekadasi festival event in Srirangam Ranganathaswamy Temple and Chennai Parthasarathy Swamy Temple simultaneously from early morning up to 6.30 am. Since the evangelical organization refused to adjust its timing for that particular day, Podhigai had to stop the live telecast abruptly at 5.30 am to facilitate airing of the evangelical program ‘Victory Today’.
Podhigai against Constitution
As per the Constitution, India is a secular country. As Akashvani and Doordarshan are public broadcasters, their bias towards a particular religion is violation of the Constitution. There is nothing wrong in telecasting religiously important festivals to showcase the culture and tradition of a community. India is known for its ancient and timeless civilisational ethos. The magnificent temples are symbols of our cultural heritage. They showcase our cultural magnificence through their architectural beauty and sculptural splendour.
Just because a 60-year-old Constitution says ‘India is secular’, it doesn’t lose its Hindu identity or Hinduness. The Constitution terms our nation as ‘secular’ only for the purpose of governance and administration and not for changing the cultural ethos. There cannot be a second opinion to the fact that India is a Hindu nation with a Hindu culture. Therefore, Doordarshan and Akashvani are duty bound to broadcast all important Hindu festivals which impart religious and cultural values to viewers and listeners.
Christianity and Islam are revealed religions, brought to India by alien people. They are not religions of this soil. Their culture and tradition are totally different and alien to us. In spite of that, it is legitimate to broadcast their important festivals as a part of secular administration, as a considerable number of Islamic and Christian converts are citizens of this land.
But festivals are one thing; preaching is different. What Podhigai does is deliberate preaching of Christianity, and besides, it allows such programs to insult the nation’s culture, tradition and Gods. In a secular country, public broadcasters indulging in preaching a particular minority religion and insulting the faith of the country’s majority community amounts to a clear violation of the Constitution.
Podhigai violates the law of the land
Both Akashvani and Doordarshan are supposed to follow the “Program Code”. ( By allowing evangelical programs, Podhigai has violated important sections of the Program Code. For example, it hurts religious sentiments and threatens National Integration by criticising Vigraha worship and addressing non-Christians as ‘sinners’ through the evangelical programs.
Podhigai has also violated the “Prasar Bharati (Indian Broadcasting Corporation) Act 1990” ( This Act clearly lays down norms for the functioning of public broadcasters like Akashvani and Doordarshan. Podhigai has violated some of them by allowing the evangelical programs.
Indifference shown by the department
As a journalist I shot off an e-mail to Ms. Aruna Sharma, Director General of Doordarshan, with copies to Ms. Ambika Soni, Minister of Information & Broadcasting, Dr. Jegathrakshagan, Minister of State, I&B, Smt. Sushma Swaraj, Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha, Mr. Arun Jaitley, Leader of Opposition in Rajya Saba, BJP President Mr. Nitin Gadkari, Senior BJP Leader Mr. L.K. Advani, Mr. B.S. Lalli, CEO Prasar Bharati, Mr. Ashok Jeilkhani, R. Venkateswarulu and Smt. Usha Bhasin (All Deputy Director Generals, Doordarshan). The letter dated 22 March 2010 gives complete details and requests the authorities to kindly investigate the serious matter and take appropriate action as per norms. I requested them to save Chennai Doordarshan from becoming a mouthpiece of Christianity and reinstate Vande Mataram, so that it remains patriotic. I requested an acknowledgement and assurance from the authorities that they would take immediate action. Till the time of writing this article, they had not responded.
It is understood that Minister of State for I & B Dr. Jegathrakshagan reprimanded the Chennai team in a meeting of senior officials in New Delhi for allowing so evangelical programs. He is believed to have asked, “When all denominations of Christianity have their own channels exclusively for evangelization and preaching, why do you allow them in Podhigai?” But he seems not to have taken any action to stop them either!
We cannot allow this indifferent attitude of the ministry and department to linger. If one channel functions without protest, the whole of Doordarshan and Akashvani would soon become official channels of Christianity. I urge readers to register their protests by sending mails to the concerned ministers and senior officials. Doordarshan must oblige.
[Some important E-Mail IDs:
Ms. Aruna Sharma, Director General, Doordarshan
Ms. Ambika Soni, Minister, Information and Broadcasting and
Dr. S. Jagathrakshakan, Minister of state, Information and Broadcasting
Ashok Jailkhani Dep.Director Gen (Program)
R. Venkateswarlu Dep.Director Gen (Program)
Ms. Usha Bhasin Dir.General Gen (Program)
B.S. Lalli, CEO PB]
Remember – “People’s power will always be respected”. Patriots always win!
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Hary Nambiar
20/04/2010 06:57:04 What Christians in India is practicing is fraud.i the name of God
Christianity is a superstition, which was built upon, magnified and spread through claims without offering evidence to support those claims. There are numerous holes in the fundamental tenets of Christianity. In the first place, no one knows the name of the individual who is being called Christ, the Messiah. No one ever heard of him until he appeared just a year before the execution. In Gospel according to Mark, his mother brought Jesus to the temple, where he was found discussing various things with temple priests and doctors there. However, there is no such mention in the Gospels according to Mathew, Luke or John. In one Gospel, it is mentioned that he taught for three years, but in other Gospels, he taught for one year. If thousands of people followed him wherever he went, it would not have been necessary for Judas to kiss him to let the High priests and soldiers to know his identity. There are no historic records of the life or execution of such a person. If he had healed hundreds of people from incurable illness, if he had taught thousands of people and thousands of people followed him everywhere he went, if he had fed thousands of people from less than half a dozen loafs of bread, there would have been a civil war in Jerusalem to stop his execution. In fact not a single person asked that he be released on Pass Over, instead, they yelled for the release of Barabaas. Christians claim that Barabaas was a thief and a murderer, but both Jews and Romans acknowledge that he was an insurgent and a popular Jewish hero who fought for the freedom of Israel from Rome. It is claimed that there was a total Solar Eclipse from the time of his execution until 3.00 PM and that there was a massive earthquake in Israel, but there is no record of it. 40 great scholar of that time lived in Israel during that time, but not one wrote about such an unusually important person. Three famous historians lived at that time, but none of them mentioned such a person. 5

Hary Nambiar
20/04/2010 06:55:46 -
Romans kept records of history, but failed to mention the life of Jesus Christ. There is a mention of a Christus in history but they have been criticized as forgery. Romans introduced the concept of justice and framed laws. The governor of the territory having interrogated an accused flogged him and declared him innocent and sending for crucifixion is an anomaly because it is required to be reported to the Emperor. There was no mention of such a report in Roman history. During the time of crucifixion, Tiberius Caesar was the Emperor of Rome. He was a just ruler for whom justice, law and order was of paramount importance. Crucifixion of an innocent man would have been unthinkable for Tiberius and every scholar. Resurrection is based on the testimony of one or two persons. Such a thing is biologically impossible and absurd. Gospel of Mark portrays Jesus as a “Man,” Gospel of Mathew portrays him as a “demigod” and Gospel of John portrays him as “God.” Early church fathers rejected almost every writings other than that of the four Apostles. St Paul who wrote the Epistles is said to have lived in Jerusalem during the life of Jesus Christ, but he never met him. None of the Gospels describes the catastrophes which took place in 70 CE, the destruction of the Jewish temple by the Romans. It could have been possible to argue that such a catastrophe was God’s way of punishing Jews for the crucifixion of his “Son.” One could argue that the Gospels were written before 70 CE, but all Church scholars agree that the Gospel of John was written in 90 CE, at which time he was almost 90 years old. Why he waited for so long? Why there is no mention of the destruction of the temple? Gospel according to John differs to a great extent to the other Gospels of Mark, even the parables mentioned are not identical.
Almost all Christian symbols, Christian practices and Christian teachings are borrowed from other religions which existed centuries before the introduction of Christianity.

Hary Nambiar
20/04/2010 06:52:30 -
Christian records until 8th Century do not claim of a virgin birth of Jesus. Cross has been a religious symbol in various ancient civilizations especially in India and Egypt. It is a symbol of Sun worship and there are so many varieties of it largely borrowed from the Aryan symbol of the swastika. It is not revered in other communities as sanctimoniously as the Mallu Christians do although it has gained popularity ever since Portuguese went to Malabar. Christian records show that St Thomas was sent to Parthia and he lived in an Indo Parthian kingdom that is in the region between Afghanistan and Iran. History also records that St Thomas was speared by soldiers as per orders of the King of that country for converting his wife, son and his sister-in-law. There are also records in the Christian and Parthian annuls that the relics of St Thomas was ceremoniously sent to Christian church authorities and buried in the West Asian town of Eddissa. It is noteworthy that Prophet Ibrahim is buried in Eddissa and there exists a Mosque to commemorate the significance of the place for the Semitic religions. Whose remains rest in the tomb in Mylapore, which was not populated 2000 years before? The Portuguese exhumed the tomb and had recorded their findings, but the Church authorities do not rely. Believe me, the Portuguese are the most fanatic Christians in the world.
The influence of Hindu, Jewish, Zoroastrian and Buddhists scriptures is evident in early Christian texts which were brutally suppressed and destroyed by the Church fathers. Those evidences could be easily discerned if one takes a look at the Gospel of Thomas and other records dubbed as Gnostic scriptures and found in Nag Hammadi Library, Alexandria and in Oxyrhynchus, Egypt. The claim of “Love of Jesus” is a hoax. Christians are as much or more selfish as any other people. They talk about love, but have killed millions of people, much more than the Muslims did. Their aim is economic exploitation by territorial exp 5

12/04/2010 04:52:04 E-mail IDs to send mail to
Pls also copy the following e-mail IDs in your protest e-mail & 5

S Balasundar
10/04/2010 06:58:12 Sabash, Sonia! You are becoming stronger evangelist here!
SIR, I am not shocked or surprised at this news and the authentic ARTICULATION,by Thamilchelvan. First of all,kudos! During ,emergency persons against the Indira regime,and who are news-hungry,like this writer, used to tune to BBC,VOA,Radio Australia,for hearing about the development in our country. It was also the endeavour of the Indian express and the statesman to leave the censored portions,or columns blank as a sequal to the Censors adamant attitude. Likewise, the AIR,(Akashvani),the national radio network,was popularly nicknamed as All INDIRA RADIO,for its subversion of the news report/broadcasting! All this was for focussing one person and the agenda,as it was evidently known to programm the praise for the dictator,madam.
Not long before than the Sitaram Kesari,the Treasurer and core Soniate who later captured the seat of Congress President,at the behest of this Italian born woman, virtually demanded then Cong. Party President P V Narasimha Rao,who was holding PMs post also, was asked to step down from the Party Presidentship, Sonia Rajiv Maino's black hands were seen by this nation's few political watchers!
A few intelligent commentators,like MV Kamath, saw the 'emergency' era was coming from behind!

09/04/2010 18:13:17 Why are favoring Xist institutions
What is preventing Hindus from starting in a large scale their own schools, colleges, universities, institutions so that our children are not brainwashed by the christists ? What happened to all philanthrophers. On the other hand, we find most of the schools opened, other than xists, are all there to mint money for their owners. The type of fee collected in these schools puts to shame the fee collected by higher institutions. 5

09/04/2010 07:18:13 To Prasad
Sir..surprising!!! so it is a very recent change in the wikipedia site. I would appreciate the speed at which she contained some kind of online damage!!!however, as you said, we can see many discussions on her Christianity origin from various website. The issue, however, is whether Ms. Ambika Soni is a christian or not. It is about the policy that is being adopted by the ministry and it is attrocious when considering the head of the ministry is a practising christian... 5

09/04/2010 05:31:18 Patriots always win! (WILL NOT WIN)
How come, in India where 80% are human being, sub humans become ministers, MPs and MLAs? Christianity is equally poisonous while Islam cannot be called as a religion in the strict sense of the term, “Religion’. That is not the issue, we Hindus are in dogmatic slumber, every write up ends with statements such as, ‘truth will win’ ‘vendee mataram’ ‘only god can protect us or as we find in here, Remember – “People’s power will always be respected”. Patriots always win!” This is not going to work, fight and only through fight against evil, good will win. It is our bounden duty to fight and eradicate evil if we need to survive in the world. Evil grows faster than good, but evil, because it grows fast, think that it is good and that is why it grows. Hindus don’t need a philosophy, but practical action to eradicate evil in the world. No god is going to come from heaven to rescue us, if that is so, how come Muslim Terrorist are surviving and claiming that they will rule the world. We need to fight with devilish nature and rescue ourselves. How sad is that we still depending on a foreign lady to determine what we need. This Italian lady, sonia, is enough to destroy India. Awake.

Prasad Pandit
09/04/2010 04:04:38 chistianisation of tamil channels
Kartik, According to wikipedia in ambika soni's profile her religion is given as hindu. I have read in several sites that ambika is a practising christian. May be she is a crypto-christian. 5

08/04/2010 19:42:02 A Pill
Very bad and sympothise with Hindus of Tamil Nadu if this news item is correct. The one time pill suggested by USA to India to solve the rising Islamic fundamebtalism in India is a simple prescription- have at least 20% christians in this country to counter growing muslim assertion. Thereafter it will be push by pull by two minority communities!!hows it!!Doctor and Patient happily accepted the priscription. So get well soon!!. 5

08/04/2010 19:06:54 Key Point that is missed out
Dear Sir,
You have raised a valid point. However a basic point is missed out. Are you aware that Ms. Ambika Soni, Minister of I&B is a Practising Catholic(any one who have doubts still may see wikipedia/ambika soni). There is no use even if we send 1 billion emails to such a devoted Christian as she must be doing her religious duty in preaching Christian devotional songs to the masses. Further, Sir, all kep positions of UPA is occupied by Christian religious leaders, whether it is Ambika Soni, Oscar Fernandes, Ajit Jogi, John Dayal, Jagdeesh Tytler etc so I do not think people of this country can get justice.
Karthik 5

08/04/2010 17:57:30 christian doordarshan podhigai
Why doesn't anybody go to the Court, since clearly rules are being disobeyed here by the channel. In my view it's better to burn down such channel (without killing people) then let such violation of the rules continue. A clear message must be sent to the culprits and the manipulating Christians. If one thought that only Muslims were against Vande Mataram, this article proves that Christians too are against it. Don't give offenders the chance to keep going on with the offences, even if (state/central) government is protecting them. The 80% Hindus must stand up for their rights, even forcefully get them. No compromises here!!! 5