Saturday 10 May 2014

we should chisel ourselves daily so as to discard more and more imperfections and attain more and more bliss..

A  narcissist is unable to see his own mistakes and this shows the why he remains an eternal child never willing to attain maturity.
A narcist is satisfied with his imperfect state of mind so he will never think of perfecting it anyway, He lacks faithful and courageous self analysis surpassing the veil of ego.
His eyes are blocked by an invisble glass in which his only own point of view reflects.
A ego is a reflection of oneself in one's mind 's mirror.
Such a suffering person is unable to see and admit his own mistakes.
Not surprisingly, the man who has this opaque glass is handicapped almost intellectually and is unable to exploit his full potential and creativity, thus his mind fixes his own limitations. when some third person sees what he himself can not see, he will reject the third man's point of view !
Because the cat has closed it's eyes, it thinks the whole world has darkened.
When some one reacts instantly to safeguard his pride, he is somewhere afraid that some one may critcise him and this shows his lack of courage to see himself as he is with his qualities and defects.
This man can only tolerate praises and he will discard even positive and useful critcism. How to progress if one is blocked by one own limitations ????
Children too like only praises and disdain scolding.
 He,clearly, can not see HIMSELF what others can freely see in him...
He who is possesed by ego is willing to stay in the prison in which he puts himself willingly and will never aspire for real freedom,

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