Saturday, 31 May 2014

le pasteur pourri de TAMIL NADU

"Jésus appelle" ou "JESUS CALLS" est la machine à rendre les évangélistes des bourgeois et des nantis sans honte
par - George Sissi

Les renards ont des trous et les oiseaux des nids aériens ; mais le fils de l'homme n'a nulle part où poser tête — Matthew 08:20
vous devenez milliardaire rapidement !
Jusqu'à présent vous avait entendu parler d'escrocs kidnappant les rejetons de familles des industriels et célébrités — ceux qui mènent une vie luxueuse et est considéré comme ayant le potentiel à payer jusqu'à.
Maintenant, ils semblent avoir trouvé de nouveau cible chez ceux qui sont censés être humbles et spirituels.C'est un pointeur vers le mode de vie opulent de plus en plus de certains prédicateurs Chrétiens, qui faire des Folies d'une manière qui peut faire même l'industriel à ressembler à un misérable.
Quand le fils de David Mohan a été appelé pour les prières, il a conduit vers le bas dans une ville de Honda. Son père, un chef spirituel charismatique, disques autour dans une Benz. Le porche dans leur enceinte paroissiale tentaculaire sur l'artère Anna Salai a vu des modèles de voitures en Inde, en annonçant leur coulissante swish. Et garde-robe du pasteur senior peut donner dandys aristocratiques un complexe d'infériorité.
Telle extravagance éhontée est devenu une tendance parmi les prédicateurs de haute voltige en Inde, autant qu'il est à l'étranger.
K A Paul, cet Indien converti sans honte , est né dans l'Andhra Pradesh, mais qui a travaillé comme un pasteur dans les Etats-Unis, se déplace dans son Boeing 747 personnel, conduisant un groupe de personnes sous la bannière Global Peace Initiative. Parmi eux se trouvaient de légende de la boxe Evander Holyfield, une finaliste de Miss monde du Canada appelé Nazinin Afshin-Jam et un équipage de Fox-TV.
Méprisant les victimes de Tsunami qui a ravagé les régions côtières de Cuddalore, ce pasteur arrogant et pompeux pourri grognait sur le voyage de Chennai à Cuddalore : — « une corvée, le plus long de la route qu'il avait pris pendant une longue période. » Il se vantait de son Boeing 747, disant que seulement deux personnes dans le monde ont l'avion à leur disposition pour leur usage personnel — l'autre est le Président de l'Amérique.
Israël-né, évangéliste américain Benny Hinn, qui revint à Bangalore quelque temps, est connu pour ses bijoux incrustée de diamants.
Son monde Healing Center Church râteaux dans plus de 1 million de dollars par an et il vit dans un manoir de front de mer d'une valeur d'environ 10 millions $ à Dana Point, Californie, près de l'hôtel Ritz Carlton.
Benny Hinn aime conduire dans Mercedes et BMW et utilisé pour se rendre en Europe dans la Concorde, payer $8000 un voyage. Il ne reste que dans les luxueuses suites présidentielles des meilleurs hôtels d'étoiles, ce qu'il fit de même quand il était à Bangalore.
Client privilégié à Leela Palace, l'hôtel le plus cher à Bangalore, Hinn a réservés à deux étages de l'hôtel pour lui-même et son entourage. Bien sûr, il s'est envolé vers la ville en un vol affrété.
Retour à la maison, son presbytère de 6000 pieds carrés lui-même a sept chambres, huit bains et espace de parking 10 voitures.
Ami proche de Hinn, Oral Granville Roberts a aussi vécu une vie luxueuse ultra comme un évangéliste, créant plusieurs controverses comme celle de 1987 quand il a menacé ses disciples que Dieu les punira si il n'a pas pu recueillir 8 millions $ pour démarrer la construction d'une clinique (avec des facturation cachées aux malades )" Medical Center."
Inutile de dire, l'argent, s'est mobilisée même si le Centre a été fermé après huit ans. Selon son mode de vie est passé, lui et son fils, qui a succédé à lui, étaient membres de l'élite Country Club, Southern Hills, à Tulsa, où les frais d'adhésion lui-même étaient de 18 000 $ et le Thunderbird Country Club chic, à Rancho Mirage, Californie.
En plus d'avoir un penchant pour les bagues en diamant, Roberts a changé ses automobiles tous les six mois et appartenant à un plan de Fan jet de huit places. Il avait deux maisons, dans les champs de printemps et l'autre à Beverly Hills, qui était alors une valeur de 2 400 000 $.
S'inspirant de l'Oral Roberts, MR DIANAKRAN UN TAMOUL POURRI ET CONVERTI ,et surtout sachant frapper le fer quand il est chaud, cet habitant de Chiennai , pasteur de profession pour l'argent , il a construit son empire spirituel de " Jésus calls" au fil des décennies.
Comme Roberts, il a préparé son fils pour lui succéder, construit une « université » et il a acheté le TIAM House, un bâtiment en coin de Parry (chennai) haut de gamme du groupe Murugappa pour un montant près de 100 Rs crore mais officiellement déclarée comme Rs 35 milliards de roupies., cependant, cette propriété est sa nouvelle acquisition .
Il possède déjà des hectares de terres près de Coimbatore, où il a construit son Institut d'Erzile et a également acheté des parcelles de terrain là bas

Jesus Calls Ministries Luxury Calling by - Satish George
 The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air nests;but the Son of man hath nowhere to lay head— Matthew 8:20

  Heeding the message in the above verse could have helped the pastor’s family in Chennai avert the trauma it underwent about a month back. When Pastor David Mohan of the New Life Assemblies of God Church was out of the country, his son, also a pastor, was abducted by a gang. The gang called him out of his home on the pretext of a prayer and caught hold of him, demanding a few lakhs as ransom. He managed to wriggle out of their clutches after paying some money drawn from an ATM.

 So far you had heard of extortionists abducting scions of affluent families and celebrities — people who lead a luxurious life and are seen to have the potential to pay up. Now they seem to have found anew target in those who are supposed to be humble spiritual leaders.It is a pointer to the increasingly opulent lifestyles of some Christian preachers, who splurge in a manner that can make even the manor-born industrialist look like a spartan.

 When David Mohan’s son was called for prayers, he drove down in a Honda City. His father, a charismatic spiritual leader, drives around in a Benz. The porch in their sprawling church premises on the arterial Anna Salai Road has seen many of the swish models of cars in India,heralding their roll-out. And the senior pastor’s wardrobe can give aristocratic dandies an inferiority complex.

 Such unabashed extravagance has become a trend among high-flying preachers in India as much as it is abroad. This reporter, while covering the aftermath of tsunami at Thazhanguda, a coastal hamletin Cuddalore, bumped into one such preacher, whose indulge ncescan be the envy of, well, even a Hollywood star. K A Paul, who was born in Andhra Pradesh but who bloomed in the US, had flown down in his personal Boeing 747, leading a group of people under the banner Global Peace Initiative. Among them were boxing legend Evander Holyfield, a Miss World runner up from Canada called Nazinin Afshin-Jam, and a Fox-TV crew.

 What came of his visit to Cuddalore in a luxury bus from Chennai is not known. But on that evening at the deserted beach, a midst the devastation, he grumbled about the journey — “a drudgery, the longest by road he had taken for a long time.” He bragged about his Boeing 747, saying only two people in the world have the aircraft at their disposal for personal use — the other is the President of America.

 Israel-born, US evangelist Benny Hinn, who was in Bangalore sometime back, is known for his diamond-studded jewellery. His World Healing Center Church rakes in more than a million dollars a year and he lives in an ocean-front mansion worth about $10 million in Dana Point, California, near the Ritz Carlton Hotel. He loves driving in Merc SUVs and BMWs and used to travel to Europe in the Concorde,paying $8000 a trip. He stays only in luxurious presidential suites of top star hotels, which he did even when he was in Bangalore.

 Put up at Leela Palace, the most expensive hotel in Bangalore, Hinnhad booked two floors of the hotel for himself and his entourage. Of course, he flew into the city in a chartered flight. Back home, his 6000 square feet parsonage itself has seven bedrooms, eight baths and space for parking 10 cars.

 Hinn’s close friend Oral Granville Roberts has also lived an ultra luxurious life as an evangelist, creating several controversies like the one in 1987 when he threatened his followers that God will call him home if he failed to raise $8 million to start the City of Faith Medical Center. The money, needless to say, was mobilised even though the Center was closed down after eight years. As far as his lifestyle went,he and his son, who took over from him, were members of the elite Country Club, Southern Hills, in Tulsa, where the membership fee itself was $18,000, and the posh Thunderbird Country Club in Rancho Mirage, California.

 Besides having a liking for diamond rings, Roberts changed his automobiles every six months and owned an eight-seater Fan jet plane. He had two houses, one in Spring Fields and the other in Beverly Hills, which was then worth $2,400,000.

 Drawing inspiration from Oral Roberts, Chennai-based preacher D GS Dinakaran built his Jesus Calls spiritual empire over the decades.Like Roberts, he too groomed his son to succeed him, built a ‘university’ and also suffered personal tragedies. Dinakaran was recently in the news, hitting, rather rightly, the business columns,when he bought TIAM House, a landmark building in upmarket Parry’s Corner from the Murugappa Group for an amount speculated to run close to Rs 100 crore but officially declared as Rs 35 crore.That, however, is just his latest property acquisition.

 He already owns hectares of land near Coimbatore, where he has built his Karunya Institute, and has also bought up tracts of l

Friday, 30 May 2014


Voici 12 formules magiques  pour transformer  un pays pacifique et prospère en un enfer invivable en remplaçant la culture locale par des apports externes autoritaires du genre "fais ceci ou fais cela et si tu le fais pas comme moi, LE SEUL ET UNIQUE DIEU te dit, je te brûlerai dans un accès de colère et de  sadisme. Tout ce qu'ils nous apportent comme cadeau , c'est un livre confus où on voit émerger un Dieu qui a plein des défauts comme les humains. (consulter mon blog sur ce sujet). Voici, les formules appliqués d'une manière routinière par ces fous de Dieu :

1 . Identifier un beau pays où les gens sont nombreux et qui sont dociles et innocents et employez y vos  méthodes de         Multinationale.

2 . Agressez les illettrés par des propagandes au nom d'un Dieu de moyen-orient .

3 . Convertissez les gens par la force de menace ou d'argent , tuez ceux qui ne se convertissent pas souvent sournoisement en employant des mercenaires ou des indigènes ayant subi un lavage de cerveau pour ce sale boulot.

4 . Asservissez les femmes et les enfants . Gardez-les comme concubines et dire au monde que vous prenez soin des femmes sans défense .

5 . Détruisez leurs  sanctuaires et temples sacrés. Construire le vôtre sur leurs ruines .

6 . Quand ils se battent pour se défendre , traitez-les comme les ennemis de Dieu et  prêchez les la sagesse pour qu'ils soient plus tolérants face aux conversions menées si pacifiquement par les gentils évangélistes dont le seul défaut peut-être une passion pour la pédophilie causée par un trop plein d'amour divin pour les enfants.

7 . Quand vous vous emparez de leurs terres  en  impérialistes arrogants et en échange , n'oubliez pas de leur  donner  un livre de fiction le plus fantasmagorique où le girafe a eu un cou long dès le premier jour sur terre sans passer par l'évolution de Drawin.

8 . Pleurez devant les médias  et parlez des manquements des droits de l'homme.

9 . Encouragez la division du peuple en stigmatisant leur religion d'origine et encouragez les convertis indigènes, quand ils seront suffisamment nombreux ,à demander  l'indépendance de leur pays.

10 . Encouragez la guerre civile et essayez de montrer qu'il y a une guerre de civilisation partout où il n’y a pas.

11. il existe une autre armée des missionnaires identique dans leur ferveur de convertir les innocents par la force mais baladant sur les chameaux et laissant la barbe jusqu'au ventre !  On les appelle Jihadistes ou talibanes, peu importe , des nomades du moyen-orient comme l'autre groupe. La première groupe emploie des méthodes sournoises et vicieuses mais cette deuxième groupe emploie des  méthodes plus violentes  mais l'objectif est toujours de convertir le païen. 

12 . Retour à la case 1 et répétez le processus en cercle vicieux .


12-step recipe to make a peaceful prosperous land a hell and try to kill the most ancient spiritual culture...

1. Identify a beautiful land.

2. Attack it in the name of God.

3. Convert people to God's religion, kill those who don't convert.

4. Enslave women and children. Keep them as concubines and tell world that you are taking care of helpless women.

5. Destroy their holy shrines & temples. Build yours on their ruins.

6. When they fight back, call them enemies of God and preach them tolerance.

7. When they take hold of their lost land, call them occupation forces.

8. Cry in front of world and demand human rights.

9. Demand separate nation.

10. Get separate nation by bloodshed.

11. The other one with similar evil mindset missionary jihadis convert indigenous people in the name of another middle eastern deity - train neo-converts in terrorism against the nation - killing thousands and when a few of them are killed in retaliation they cry foul.

12. Go back to 1 and repeat it endlessly.

Let us stand united and fight the evil.

Money Is A Form Of Social Control And Most Americans Are Debt Slaves
The Mind Unleashed on 28 April, 2014 at 00:02

Is America really “the land of the free”? Most people think of money as simply a medium of exchange that makes economic transactions more convenient, but the truth is that it is much more than that. Money is also a form of social control. Just think about it. What did you do this morning? Well, if you are like most Americans, you either got up and went to work (to make money) or to school (to learn the skills that you will need to make money). We spend a great deal of our lives pursuing the almighty dollar, and there are literally millions of laws, rules and regulations about how we earn our money, about how we spend our money and about how much of our money the government gets to take from us. Not that money is a bad thing in itself. Without money, it would be really hard to have a modern society. Unfortunately, our money is based on debt, and debt levels in the United States have exploded to absolutely unprecedented levels in recent years. The borrower is the servant of the lender, and if you are like most Americans, nearly every major purchase that you make in your life is going to involve debt. Do you want to get a college education so that you can get a “good job”? You are told to get a student loan. Do you want a car? You are encouraged to get an auto loan and to stretch out the payments for as long as possible. Do you want a home? You are probably going to end up with a big fat mortgage. And of course I could go on and on and on. The cold, hard truth of the matter is that most Americans are debt slaves. Most of us spend our entire lives trapped in an endless cycle of debt that we never escape until we die, and meanwhile our years of hard labor are greatly enriching those that own our debts.

Have you ever found yourself wondering why you can never seem to get ahead financially no matter how hard you work?

Well, it is probably because you have gotten yourself enslaved to debt.

Just consider the following example about credit card debt from a former Goldman Sachs banker

On the debt side of things, how much does your credit card company earn if you carry just an average of a $5,000 credit card balance, paying, say, 22% annual interest rate (compounding monthly) for the next 10 years?

In your mind you owe a balance of only $5,000, which is not a huge amount, especially for someone gainfully employed. After all, $5,000 is just a quick Disney trip, or a moderately priced ski-trip, or that week in Hawaii. You think to yourself, “how bad could it be?”

The answer, including the cost of monthly compounding, is $44,235, or about 9 times what it appears to cost you at face value.

But a large percentage of Americans never pay off their credit cards at all. They make small payments each month, but then they just keep on adding to their balances.

In the end, that is financial suicide.

If you carry an “average balance” on your credit cards each month, and those credit cards have an “average” interest rate, you could end up paying millions of dollars to the credit card companies by the end of your life…

Let’s say you are an average American household, and you carry an average balance of $15,956 in credit card debt.

Also, as an average American household, let’s assume you pay an average current rate of 12.83%.

Finally, let’s assume you carry this average balance for 40 years, between ages 25 and 65. How much did your credit card company make off of you and your extreme averageness?

Answer: $2,629,618.64

Sadly, approximately 46% of all Americans carry a credit card balance from month to month.

How stupid can we be as a nation?

When you become enslaved to the credit card companies, your toil and sweat makes them much wealthier. It is a form of slavery that does not require anyone pointing a gun at you.

But we never seem to learn. Incredibly, 43 percent of all American families spend more than they earn each year.

As the chart below demonstrates, consumer credit actually declined for a short while during the last recession, but now it has turned around and the growth of consumer credit is on the same trajectory as it was before the last economic crisis…

Today, the total amount of consumer credit in the United States is 15 times larger than it was 40 years ago.

And every major “milestone” in our lives typically involves even more debt.

-The total amount of student loan debt in the United States recently passed a trillion dollars, and approximately two-thirds of all college students graduate with student loan debt at this point.

-Total home mortgage debt in the United States is now about 5 times larger than it was just 20 years ago, and mortgage debt as a percentage of GDP has more than tripled since 1955.

-Car loans just keep getting longer and longer, and approximately 70 percent of all car purchases in the United States now involve an auto loan.

-Want to get married? That average cost of a wedding is now $26,989 which is probably going to mean even more debt unless you have wealthy parents.

-Do you have a serious medical problem? According to a report published in The American Journal of Medicine, medical bills are a major factor in more than 60 percent of the personal bankruptcies in the United States.

Are you starting to understand why approximately half of all Americans die broke?

And I have not even begun to talk about our collective debts yet.

Government debt is a collective form of debt. You may not have voted for any of the politicians that have been racking up debt in your name, but part of it still belongs to you.

Since the year 2000, state and local government debt has more than doubled. These are collective debts for which we are all responsible…

And of course the biggest collective debt of all is the U.S. national debt.

In a previous article, I discussed how the national debt has exploded out of control in recent years. If you can believe it, the U.S. debt to GDP ratio has increased from 66.6 percent to 103 percent since 2007, and the U.S. government accumulated more new debt during Barack Obama’s first term than it did under the first 42 U.S. presidents combined.

When you break things down by household, the numbers look even more frightening.

During Barack Obama’s first four years in the White House, the amount of new debt accumulated by the federal government breaks down to approximately $50,521 for every single household in the United States.

And as I have mentioned previously, if you started paying off just the new debt that the federal government has accumulated during the Obama administration at the rate of one dollar per second, it would takemore than 184,000 years to pay it off.

Well, you might argue, none of that debt will ever be paid off in our lifetimes.

And you would be right.

But what we are doing is consigning our children, our grandchildren and all future generations of Americans to a lifetime of debt slavery.

How nice of us, eh?

Over the past 10 years, the U.S. national debt has grown by an average of 9.3 percent per year, but the overall U.S. economy has only grown by an average of just 1.8 percent per year.

How do we expect to continue doing this?

Fortunately, more Americans are starting to wake up to how foolish all of this is.

For example, the following is what Home Depot Founder Kenneth Langone told CNBC on Tuesday…

“The fundamentals haven’t changed … And we don’t know when the storm is going to hit,” he predicted. “It has to happen.If you look at our debt to GDP, eventually you reach a point where there’s no turning back.”

He used an analogy to make his point. “If you had one meal left, and you had your grandchild with you, would you eat if or give it to your grandchild?”

He said all people would say “give it to my grandchild.”

But pursuing the president’s vision, he argued, “[Is] eating the grandchildren’s breakfast, lunch and dinner right now. And the [grandchildren] haven’t been born yet.”

What we are doing to our children and our grandchildren is beyond criminal. We are selling away their futures in order to make our lives more pleasant.

Right now, we are stealing more than 100 million dollars from our children and our grandchildren every single hour of every single day.

So where is the outrage over this theft?

Sadly, most Americans don’t even realize that all of this is by design. When the Federal Reserve system was created back in 1913, it was designed to get the U.S. government trapped in an endless spiral of debt.

And it worked. Today, the U.S. national debt is now more than 5000 times larger than it was when the Federal Reserve was first created.

Our society has become addicted to debt, and that means that we have become addicted to slavery.

We are not the “land of the free”. The truth is that we are now the “land of the servants”.

Over the past 40 years, the total amount of debt owed in the United States (government, business, consumer, etc.) has grown from less than 2 trillion dollars to more than 55 trillion dollars…

So who benefits from all of this?

I talked about this in a previous article. The ultra-wealthy and the international bankers make enormous profits by lending money to all the rest of us.

According to a stunning report that was released last summer, the global elite have up to 32 trillion dollars stashed away in offshore tax havens around the globe.

How did they get so much money?

The borrower is the servant of the lender. They have gotten rich at our expense.

But most people live their entire lives without ever understanding how the game is being played.

Today, most Americans see that the Dow is back above 14,000 and they hear the mainstream media telling them that happy days are here again and so they just believe that things are going to turn out okay somehow.

And it certainly does not help that most people seem to let others do their thinking for them. In fact, about 23% of all Americans can’t even read at this point.

So is there any hope for us?

Ekadantaya vakratundaya by shankar mahadevan with lyrics.

Tout juste élu, Siva Prédibane prépare les prochaines élections

Tout juste élu, Siva Prédibane prépare les prochaines élections

Siva prédibane
Les résultats des élections consulaires 2014 à Pondichéry sont tombées en début de semaine. Prédibane Siva (UMP), Kanagabouchanam Selvam (UMP) et Balaraman Bichat ont tous les trois été élus conseillers consulaires pour la circonscription rassemblant Pondichéry, Chennai, Karikal, Yanaon et Mahé.
L’ancien militaire à la retraite, aujourd’hui reconverti dans les affaires (immobilier) et dans la politique a annoncé qu’il travaillerait main dans la main avec tous les conseillers élus pour le bien-être des Francopondichériens et des expatriés.
« Les deux projets phares de mon mandat seront la mise en place du Centre Dupleix, un organisme chargé de venir en aide aux Francopondichériens victimes d’expropriations forcées de leurs biens immobiliers par les hommes politiques locaux. Je compte également retaper la Maison Créole de Pondichéry. Je travaillerai à 95% pour le peuple », nous a raconté Siva Prédbane.
Fraîchement élu, le gaulliste nous a annoncé sa candidature aux élections de l’Assemblée des Français de l’Etranger (AFE), l’organisme représentatif des Français de l’étranger. Constitué de 90 membres, cette assemblée sera élue par les 443 conseillers consulaires. Siva Prédibane a d’ores et déjà reçu le soutien du sénateur UMP Thierry Mariani.

Wednesday, 28 May 2014



Before I write about DHARMA  I want to give my readers a glimpse of how ADHARMA first came to India.

It came with a Sufi saint Khwajah Moiuniddin Chisti ( his dargah is in Ajmer ) who kicked a host king on his teeth , and acted as a facilitator for the first Muslim invader Mohammed Ghori.  

12 years before this Sufi saint came to India , King Prithviraj Chauhan’s mother had a dream and she implored her son NOT to trust a Sufi saint who would come as a spy for an invader from the other side of Hindu Khush mountains.  

Prithviraj Chauhan paid the price for ignoring his mother’s advise, when the Sufi saint indeed came to his kingdom, and he treated him and his followers as  guests .   Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti poisoned the lake waters from which the king's army elephants,  horses and camels  drank, as was standard warfare tactics in the deserts ( poisoning the oasis waters ) .

The lakes had to be emptied out manually due to rotting fish and the animals were weakened due to dysentry, just before Muhammad Ghori invaded in the Second Battle of Tarain, 1192. The Muslims now had a toehold in India. 

In the first battle of Tarain,Muhammad Ghori was captured alive by Prithviraj Chauhan , and set free when he begged for his life on his knees, as per Raja dharma.  

But after dirty tactics used by the spy and Sufi saint Kwajah Moinuddin Chisti , when Muhammad Ghori won the second batlle of Tarain, he put hot coals in Chauhan's eyes after raping his wife Samyukta in front of him .

Above : For the Muslim vote -- Queen Bee at Ajmer Dargah of Khwajah Moinuddin Chisti.

Later on the Mughal dynasty was established.

Babur ( 1526-1530 ) had a great passion to kill people, cut heads off people and create pillars out of the cut off heads.  He claimed to have created several such pillars in his autobiography.  His soldiers raped dead Hindu women, something unthinkable for a Hindu.

Babar’s son Humayun ( 1530-1556 )  had his own brother Kamran Mirza blinded which would end any claim to the throne.   He killed his other brother  Hindal Mirza. He sent another brother to Haj and got him killed enroute.

Akbar ( 1556 -1605 ) just jailed his son Jehangir who was getting too greedy to usurp the throne before Akbar died.

Jehangir (1605-1627) killed his uncle Mahdi Khwaja who was eyeing the throne.  He also blinded his own eldest son Khusrau who was eyeing his throne.  Can you believe this -- Guru Arjan Singh was blamed by Jehangir of giving moral support to Khusrau , tortured severely and then drowned in the river Ravi.

Shah Jahan.(1628-1658 ) killed his younger  brother Sheharyar so that he will not lay claim to the throne.

Aurangezeb ( 1658-1707 ) the third son of Shah Jehan killed his  3 brothers. He also put his father in jail for 8 years till he died. For choosing his capable eldest son Dara Shikoh as heir Aurangzeb punished him by presenting Dara’s head in a platter to his father .  Can you believe this-- Guru Har Rai got into the good books of Emperor Shah Jehan by saving his favourite son Dara Shikoh from tiger's whiskers poisoning using laxative herbs ( poisoned by his brother Aurangazeb) --and in the bargain he pissed of Aurangazeb.

Nobody names his son after Aurangazeb or Babur even today, though there are plenty of Akbars.. Pakistanis name their missiles Babur.  They don’t realize that when Babur came to India their forefathers were all Hindus and their women ancestors were raped.

Aurangzeb's son Bahadur Shah I (Muazzam ) killed his brothers Muhammad Azam and Muhammad Kam Bhaksh to capture the throne.  Can you believe this?  Guru Gobind Singh sent his army under the command of Bhai Dharam Singh, to help Muazzam.  Muazzam's forces defeated  his brother Azam’s forces in the Battle of Jajau on 12 June 1707.  Both sides numbered some 100,000 combatants, but Bahādur Shah had more artillery.  Both Muhammad Aẓam and his son Bidar Bakht were killed in the battle.

Bahadur Shah I died in 1712, and his successor Jahandar Shah was killed on the orders of the Sayyid Brothers.

Bahadur Shah's death followed a war of succession among his four sons, Jahandar Shah, Azim-us-Shah, Jahan Shah and Rafi-is-Shah.  Jalandar shah killed his 3 brothers to ascend the throne .

Azim-us-Shah's son Farrukhsiyar killed his uncle and ascended the throne.

In 1719, the Brothers blinded, deposed and murdered Farrukhsiyar

Sayyid brothers were soon killed by Muhammad Shah. 

Ahmad Shah, son of Muhammad Shah, was blinded in 1754 by the Wazir Ghazi-ud-din Imad-ul-mulk

Alamgir II (1754 - 1759) was killed by Ghazi-ud-din Imad-ul-mulk's orders.

Shah Alam II (1759 - 1806) blinded by the Afghan chief Gulam Qadir,

Bahadur Shah-II was falsely accused by the British of treason and rebellion and exiled to Burma.  His descendants were beheaded and heads presented to him on a platter –
-- and the glorious Mughal empire was swept away once and for all.

Now let me narrate a short story from Ramayana 4300 BC. 

This was the Dharma in Hindu India before the Muslims and the Christians invaded .

King Dasaratha , the father of Lord Rama was in the thick of battle with the Asuras. His favourite queen Kaikeyi was on the horse chariot with him. Dasaratha was injured , and the wheel of his chariot was about to be dislodged due to a missing cotter pin . 

Queen Kaikeyi put her finger into the orifice suffering great pain. In addition to this , as soon a Dasaratha became unconscious she drove the chariot away from the battle field and saved the king.

Later when Dasharatha came to know what transpired , he gave his wife two boons . She said that she would redeem the boon at a later date and time.

Years passed . Lord Rama being the eldest son was crown prince and Dasarath wanted to hand over his kingdom to Rama and then retire for sanyas. Queen Kaikeyi’s son Bharata was away in another city. The city of Ayodha was being decorated for the huge event as the people loved prince Rama.

The shrewd hump backed maid Mandara of Kaikeyi poisoned her mind.  She reminded Kaikeyi of the two boons which the King had given her, and told her that she must redeem it now. She must ask that her son Bharat must be crowned king and his elder half brother Rama , son of eldest queen Kausalya must be banished to a far away forest on exile for 14 years.

Queen Kaikeyi approached King Dasaratha and reminded him of his promise . Then she told him what she wanted. The king was in a bind . He had to follow his dharma of not breaking a promise. Out of sheer grief he fell dead.  

Rama did the last rites for his father and went away of exile with his wife Sita and his brother Lakshman . It was the dharma of both his wife and brother to be with him .  The whole city of Ayodha was in gloom.

Meanwhile Bharata had a bad dream and a premonition . He came rushing back to Ayodhya. He knew something was wrong as the whole city of Ayodhya was in mourning and darkness. When he heard that his father is dead and his brother Rama was in exile, he fainted out of grief.  

When he came to, he gave a piece of his mind to his mother Kaikeyi and went to Rama’s mother Kausalya's room and slept at her feet.

Next morning with the queen mothers, his brother Shatrughna , priests, ministers and  a small army , he set off to the forest to bring his brother back to Ayodhya and crown him king. Maharishi Bharadwaja directed him to the cottage  where Rama would be with his wife Sita and brother Lakshman. 

Both Rama and Bharat hugged each other . Bharat fell at his elder brother Rama’s feet and implored him to come back to Ayodhya and become king. Kaikeyi apologized and took back her boon.  

Rama did NOT want to break his dharma of obeying his dead father’s command.  Bharat then asked Rama to give him his sandals and said till Rama comes back after 14 years his sandals would be on the throne and that he would rule on Rama’s behalf from outside the palace , from Nandigram. 

After 14 long years when Hanuman broke the news of Rama’s impending return to Ayodhya , Bharat again fainted with joy—this time around.  He showered Hanuman with gifts for the good tidings and commanded his brother Shatrughna to have the people decorate Ayodhya city .

The two brothers met and hugged each other, after which, Bharat led him to the throne on which was placed Rama’s sandals.  Rama was crowned king and there was great joy. Rama made Bharat his crown prince. 

At Rama's command, Bharat and his sons went to the Gandhar kingdom and defeated the Gandharvas living there. Bharat founded the two capital cities of Takshashila and Pushkalavat in the conquered kingdom and established his sons, Taksh and Pushkal as its rulers.

This was the Hindu dharma.  Dharma broadly means righteousness.  Our scriptures and history is full of such sacrifices to sustain dharma. 

Hinduism is a spiritual code based on dharma.  Hindusim has core values like integrity, ethics, compassion , fairness, transparency, respect , tolerance for culture, sense of responsibility, spirit of inclusion etc . We temper all technical judgments by the need to support and maintain human values. Human acts without conscience which creates conflict is called Adharma.  

As per the Bhagawat Gita , the fundamentals of dharma are-- truth, grace, restraint, love, non-violence, restraint, lack of jealousy and greed, knowledge of self and austerity.  

In the Bhagwat Gita, Lord Krishna declares to Arjuna 6000 years ago:
Dharmenaavirodheshu Kaamosmi Bharatarshabha
“I am those desires that are not against the Dharma”

Dharma is a concept of central importance in Indian philosophy and religion. However dharma is not the same as religion.  Man's understanding of the dharma of inanimate things is what we now call physics. Law in the universal or abstract sense, dharma designates those behaviours considered necessary for the maintenance of the natural order of things. 

Dharma governed by human conscience is 'the path of righteousness', the way of 'correct', 'appropriate', 'decent', or 'proper' behaviour.  Dharma is the moral law combined with spiritual discipline that guides one's life. 

Hindus consider dharma the very foundation of life. It means "that which holds" the people of this world and the whole creation. Dharma is the "law of being" without which things cannot exist.

In the Rigveda, there is this belief (and observation) that a natural justice and harmony pervades the natural world.

Openness is the essence of Hinduism.  Gratitude is inherent, which makes this religion noble . Example: A Hindu will never ever neglect his aged and vulnerable parents like the west.  

A true Hindu will not exploit vulnerability. Hinduism does not allow you to breach a trust. When a Hindu says "thank you", he really means it.  We dont use FAKE meaningless thank you and domo arigato gozaimasu with every breath-- in a ridiculous manner .

There is great tolerance to other cultures and spiritual paths. The heart of Hinduism is oneness and inclusivity.. It is a movement based on principles or evolved over time code of Dharma. It is a relentless pursuit of truth, flexible to suit all situations. It has its own beliefs, timeless traditions, ethics, rituals, philosophy and theology.  

Sanatana as “eternal moral order” encourages Hindus to seeks and moral truth wherever it might be found, each individual must realize this truth through his or her own systematic effort. Hindu scripture, based on the insights of noble and graceful Hindu sages and seers, serves primarily as a guidebook.

This is how the Supreme Court of India has defined dharma . “Dharma” is that which upholds, nourishes or supports the stability of the society, maintains the social order and secures the general well-being and progress of mankind”

The ultimate goal for Sanatana Dharma is material and spiritual well-being of the mankind. It is a matter of shame that the all important Right to Happiness doesn’t find a place in the much tom tommed acclaimed Universal Charter of Human Rights.
Hitopadesha says :-.

Those who think "He is mine", "He is not", are petty minded".  Those who are large hearted regard the world as one family.   Consumption of food, sleep, fear, and enjoyment of sex are common to man and animal.  But, 'Dharma' is a special attribute of the conscious man . Bereft of 'Dharma', man is equal to anima1.

Whether the rules of Dharma that :
1. Everyone should tell the truth;
2. No one should indulge in violence against other living beings;
3. No one should acquire illegitimate wealth;
4. Every one should establish control over his senses;
5. There should be purity in thought, speech and deed;
6. Everyone should render service to other individuals;
7. Every one should eschew selfishness and greed.
8. The world should be regarded as one family.

Dharma has been inter woven into simple stories for the children , from which their sub-conscious can dip in anytime they feel that they need moral guidance.  There are wonderful stories , each with a moral in works called Panchatantra and Hitopadesa.

Punch into Google search -

Speak the truth; follow the prescribed conduct;
Do not fail to pay attention to truth;
Never fail to perform duty
Do not disregard what is proper and good
Treat your Mother, Father and Teacher as equal to God
So also, treat your guest as God
Those acts that are irreproachable alone are to be performed, and not those that are forbidden
This is the directive.  This is the advice. This is the discipline to be observed throughout life

Examples of dharma that apply to day-to-day life:

Vyakti dharma - the dharma of an individual
Parivarika dharma - family dharma (also called kutumba dharma)
Samaja dharma - societal dharma
Rashtra dharma - national dharma
Manava dharma - the dharma of mankind
Varna dharma - professional dharma
apad dharma - exceptional/abnormal situational dharma
Yuga dharma - dharma applicable for an age

Ashrama dharma - dharma for stage of life
When you enter the Indian Parliament Building in New Delhi , you come face to face with a Sanskrit verse:

Ayam Nijah Paroveti Ganana Laghu Chetasaam
Udaara Charitaanaam tu Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam

“Small and narrow-minded people look at the reality in terms of ‘this is yours and this is mine’; for those of higher consciousness the whole world is a family”.

Alexander the Great’s generals and historians had written that the army of King Porus never retaliated with dirty tactics even when dirty tactics were used on them. The Greeks recorded that Indians fought a dharma yudha ( war with ethics ) respecting the enemy soldier’s life. 

The Western historians lied that Alexander defeated Porus. It was actually the other way around. King Porus spared and even saved Alexander's life and helped him to get out of India in one piece.

Punch into Google search-

Yamas and Niyamas  - Moral and Ethical Ideals of Hindus
1. Ahimsã (non-injury)            Don't harm others by word, deed or thought.
2. Satya (truthfulness) Refrain from lying and betraying promises.
3. Asteya (nonstealing)           Don't steal, covet or enter into debt.
4. Brahmachãrya (controlling sex)      Observe celibacy when single, and faithfulness in marriage.
5. Kshamã (forgiveness)         Restrain from intolerance and ill will.
6. Dhriti (firmness)      Overcome fear, indecision, and fickleness.
7. Dayã (compassion)  Conquer callous and insensitive feelings.
8. Ãrjava (honesty)     Renounce fraud, cheating and stealing.
9. Mitãhãra      Refrain from overeating and consuming meat.
10. Shaucha (purity)    Observe purity of the body, mind and intellect.
11. Hrî (remorse)         Be modest and show remorse for misconduct.
12. Santosha (contentment)    Don't be a slave to the senses. Seek joy and serenity in the Self.
13. Dãna (tithing)  Give generously without thought of reward. The more you give, the more you get.
14. Ãstikya (faith)       Have unwavering faith in God's grace.
15. Pûjana (worship)   Perform daily worship and meditation.
16. Shravana (hearing of scriptures)   Study scriptures, listen to the teachings of the wise, and faithfully follow guru's advice.
17. Mati (cognition)    Sharpen the intellect with guru's guidance.
18. Vrata (sacred vows)          Observe scriptural injunctions faithfully.
19. Japa (chanting)      Chant God's names and sacred mantras daily.
20. Tapas (austerity)    Perform sãdhana (spiritual discipline) as outlined by the guru.

When the white Christian man first stepped into India in 1498, India was the world’s richest country. India held 40% of the world's GDP.  India and China together held 58% of the world's GDP in 1498.  These are conservative estimates by the white man himself , like how Alexander defeated Porus.

When the British finally left in 1947, India was converted to one of the poorest countries on the planet.
In such a short time they built roads, railway, harbors , airports and bridges to rob India blind.  After that these immoral people ridiculed us as being beggars.

Even the Kohinoor diamond on the queens crown was stolen from India.  Rothschild’s ( Jewish owner of British East India company ) massive wealth is from India.   Before 7000 BC India ruled the whole world. This was a benevolent rule of Raja dharma where the emperor only gave and never took.

Our ancient books were written in Sanskrit 7000 years ago.  They were orally handed down in verses for atleast 7000 years before they were finally penned down in 5000 BC.

Today the West tries to equate India with the Hopi , Mayans, Incas, Sumerians , Egyptians etc.  None of them have left behind ancient wisdom consisting of philosopy, astronomy, math, science, medicine healing etc in books.

How immoraly they compare civilizations without a written language with the glory of India.  More of less like comparing a pebble with the sun. 

You really have no idea of the glory of ancient Indian books.  You must understand that 7000 years ago, he whole world was running around naked , living in caves, clubbing down animals for raw meat and doing GRUNT GRUNT for language.

You can download the Monier Monier Willaims Sanskrit dictionary on the internet— or you can see it on line.  This Sanskrit dictionary compiled by an Englishman contains only 60% of the Sanskrit words.  

Yet it is three times the size of a modern English Dictionary which has lifted words from all major languages of the world— just to prove that stupid English is a great language.

Have you ever seen a ridiculous Spelling Bee contest?   

Can you give me the definition please , language of origin please , part of speech please , alternate pronunciations please , word's usage in a sentence please, alternate definitions of the word please , does the word have a specified root please , can you fu#k yourslef please  – ridiculous is NOT the word.

Punch into Google search-


Recentky I went for an old students meet at my school.  I got a chance to sing my school prayer ( the Upanishads, the Brihadaranyaka ( 1.3.28 ) ) after 4 decades.  Having matured , I was struck by the greatness and the dharma of ths simple prayer written 7000 years ago.

Punch into Google search OLD ALUMNI MEET and you will find my post on page 1 , first item among 23 million posts.

If you do NOT see it then enter OLD ALUMNI MEET VADAKAYIL.

Digression: Whatever you write as a blogger must come in the first 4 pages of a search engine — or it is NOT worth writing. 

Only fools wink at a pretty girl in the dark.

"Om sarve bhavantu sukhinah, sarve santu nirã-maya-ah;
sarve bhadrani pashyantu mã-kaschit dukha-bhak bhavet.
Om, shãntih, shãntih, shãntih."

"Oh Lord, may all [entire mankind] be happy; may all be healthy; may all experience prosperity; may none (in the world) suffer. May peace, peace, peace be unto us and all the beings of the world." Brihadãranyaka Upanishad

Referring to the above prayer, Arthur Schopenhauer says, "I know of no more beautiful prayer than that of the Hindus...'May all that have life be delivered from suffering!'

The 4 Vedas along with the 108 Upanishads are the most sacred books of India. Without knowing the Vedas one cannot comprehend the inner soul and heights of Indian glory.  Hindu religion is run by the laws of Dharma.  

All the obligatory duties of the Hindu owe their allegiance to the Vedas.  

They draw forth the thought of successive generations of Maharshi seers  or spiritual giants from 9500 BC to 5000 BC. The Vedas are considered to be eternal, without beginning and end as they represent the divine truth itself as perceived through the elevated consciousness of our great ancient seers.

They are the only composition in the universe invested with Divine origin, and hence divine sanctity. They have been heirlooms of the Hindus from generation to generation for the past 11000 years. The Vedas are the discoveries of the laws of nature, the world and the beings living in it and the Ultimate Truth. 

They are called apauruseya grantha (authorless works) . Thinking with your heart; loving with your mind.  All yoga and meditation aim to attain this goal. And when the heart sees, it sees the unknowable, nameless, formless, limitless, supreme God.

The Upanishads are humanity's most profound philosophical inquiry and the first perceptions of the unity of all, the oneness of man and God. The Upanishads are also called the Vedanta.

Wanna know how the immoral West copied from India and patented knowledge in their names, showing their Adharma?  These Sanskrit and astronomy terms are written down 7000 years ago.

The heart of Hinduism is oneness and inclusivity.. The Vedic rishis had stressed, there are many paths to the final goal. This is why Hinduism has a multiplicity of Gods and Goddesses. This is why Hinduism abjures all divides and separates. It happily embraces all different paths.

Know thyself is the quintessence.  It has no founder or a Supreme head..  It is a relentless pursuit of truth, flexible to suit all situations. Hinduism does NOT care for individual leadership or hierarchy.

The Upanishads are not philosophy but are darshanas, “something seen” and therefore to be realized. It is in the Upanishads we find all the fundamentals that are central to Hinduism — the concepts of 'karma' (action), 'samsara' (reincarnation), 'moksha' (nirvana), the 'atman' (soul), and the 'Brahman' (Absolute Almighty- the morphogenetic consciousness field ). 

Manu Smriti is one of the foremost documents on Hindu dharma.  

The white Christian invader injected poison into this noble and graceful document, for immoral purposes of “divide and rule” and conversions of disgruntled Hindu low castes  into Christianity.

They injected falsehoods that Manu wrote that Shudras  ( low caste dalits ) are made from the feet of god,  while brahmins ( upper caste ) have been made from the head,  the Kshatriyas ( warriors ) from the arms and vaishyas ( skilled labour and traders ) from the thighs.

Absolutely ridiculous things were injected by the vulgar white man with the help of stooges like BR Ambedkar and EVR Periyar-- like’” If a shudra listens to the Vedas molten lead should be poured into his ears “ .

Hey maan , why not molten copper up his a$$hole. 
Why this partiality to lead ?  Pray?  


Ajyesthaaso Akanisthaasa Yete
Sam Bhraataro Vaavrudhuh Soubhagaya
-        RigVeda, Mandala-5, Sukta-60, Mantra-5- (5000 BC)

‘No one is superior or inferior; all are brothers; all should strive for the interest of all and progress collectively’.

Manusmriti written by the ancient sage Manu, prescribes 10 essential rules for the observance of dharma:  Patience (dhriti), forgiveness (kshama), piety or self control (dama), honesty (asteya), sanctity (shauch), control of senses (indraiya-nigrah), reason (dhi), knowledge or learning (vidya), truthfulness (satya) and absence of anger (krodha).

Manu further writes, "Non-violence, truth, non-coveting, purity of body and mind, control of senses are the essence of dharma". Therefore dharmic laws govern not only the individual but all in society.

Manu further writes, "Nonviolence, truth, non-coveting, purity of body and mind, control of senses are the essence of Dharma".  Dharma thus is a code of conduct that is intended to secure both worldly joys and supreme happiness.

To act dharmically is, in essence, to act appropriately; what is appropriate is determined by the context in which the action is to be performed and who is performing it. A Shudra is NOT expected to sacrifice his life when the country is in danger. He is NOT exptec to do skilled labour or brainwork he is incapable of. 

Nobody is a Shudra by birth. 

If on my ship, my steward who could NOT pass his school exams want the same salary as I the Captain, he wants family carrying facility, he wants same comforts and space in his cabin –it is just wishful thinking. Mayawati cannot hope to snatch away the beauty contest crown from Aishwarya Rai, no matter how hard she tries.

Manu cautions everyone to have self -control, so that his mind does not act as the instigator for committing any sinful mental action which would inevitably lead to one or the other type of evil verbal actions or wicked bodily actions.

A verse from Manusmriti:-

“Satyam BruyatPriyamBruyat”
Ma Bruyat Satyam Apriyam;

Translation: Speak truth in such a way that it should be pleasing to others. Never speak truth which is unpleasant to others. Never speak truth which might be pleasant. This is the path of eternal morality, Sanatana Dharma.

Meaning:  The main point is speaking truth which in one’s dharma. Speaking such truth tactfully which benefits others and is pleasant to listen.

MANU XII 10-11 :- That man is called 'Tridandin' who has established three controls, on his mind viz., (i) Manodanda -control over his thoughts, (ii) Vakdanda -control over his speech and (iii) Kayadanda- control over his body.

He who exercises these three controls with respect to all created beings and wholly subdues desire and wrath, assuredly gains complete success in his life.

Manu calls upon man to use his conscience . His verseneeds every individual to establish an internal check, which alone is the guarantee for good conduct or to eschew bad conduct and not the fear of state police,  which only makes a man to be more careful and secretive in committing offence. This internal check is what is meant by "God Fearing" as Atma (Soul) is God within the man.  If man listens to his conscience he will not commit the sin.

Manu has gone into terrific detail.  Few examples only  – or it will run into hundreds of pages.

MANU X-163 :-
Asteya  is the unterior motive or desire to secure wealth by illegitimate methods which makes a man corrupt, a cheat, a smuggler, a black marketeer, an exploiter, and makes even men in noble professions exploit the miseries of others to make more and more money in utter disregard to professional ethics.  Therefore, it is very essential to ingrain in the heart and mind of every individual the desire not to indulge in 'asteya' i.e., acquiring wealth by illegitimate and immoral methods.

Shoucham : Manu commands every individual to maintain purity of thought, word and deed (Trikarana shuddi i.e., Kaya, Vacha, Manasa), which is also called Antaranga Shuddi (internal/mental purity) and Bahiranga Shuddi (external purity or purity in action). 

This rule means absolute honesty in that there should be harmony in thought, word and deed of an individual.  One should not think something in the mind, speak something else, and do entirely another thing.  Hypocrisy is addressed here , which is so abundant in the west.

Indriyanigraha:  Manu wants every individual to have of control over his senses. Failing which the man  will indulge in all types  of illegal and immoral actions, being instigated by the one or more of the six inherent enemies (Arishadvargas).  This lands himself as well as others in misery and loss of happiness. 

The mere knowledge of the rules of Dharma, however does not make a man 'Dharmishta' i.e., a man acting always in conformity with Dharma. Therefore, Dharma has to be ingrained in the mind of every individual from child hood.  It is a slow but a sure process. This process was called 'Samskara'.

MANUVI11-15:- Dharma protects those who protect it. Those who destroy Dharma get destroyed. Therefore, Dharma should not be destroyed so that we may not be destroyed as a consequence thereof.

MANU-IX-3 :-The father protects the girl in her childhood, the husband protects her after marriage and her sons protect her in old age.

MANU II-145 :- The acharya is more venerable than a Upadhyaya (teacher).  Father is more venerable than an acharya. But the mother is more venerable than the father.

MANU III-51-52 :-No father who knows (the law) must take even the smallest gratuity for his daughter; for a man who, through avarice, takes a gratuity, is a seller of his offspring.

MANU Ch.IV-176: Discard wealth (artha) or desire (kama) if it is contrary to Dharma as also any custom or rules regarded as source of Dharma if at any time they were to lead to unhappiness or arouse people's indignation.

Manu’s concept of gratitude (Kritajnata)  included custom of worshipping animals, and plants as also Ayudha Pooja, i.e., worshipping one day in year all the implements or instruments through which we earn our lively hood.

Punch into Google search –


MANU SMRITHI -IX -101 and III-60 : -
Mutual friendship and fidelity is the highest Dharma to be observed by husband and wife, throughout their life. The family in which husband and wife have mutual affection and respect always secures happiness and prosperity.
(The West has 63% divorce rate.  The balance 37% have had multiple sexual partners.  Only the gays /dykes and the repulsively fat and ugly do NOT include in this 37% )

MANU 4-239 -242 :-When one departs from this world to the other World, neither father nor mother, neither son nor wife will accompany him. Only the "Dharma" practiced by an individual follows him even after death. A person takes birth alone and dies alone, he alone enjoys or suffers the consequences of his evil deeds.

Manusmriti says that ahimsa is the foremost among the dharmas that are common to all. It is included in the yoga of mind control. Ahimsa means much more than non-injury or nn-violence ; it implies not doing harm to others even by thought or word.

From ahimsa Hinduism imparted to the world the practice of vegetarianism:  Yajurveda dictates -"Do not injure the beings living on the earth, in the air and in the water."

Manu Smriti says - Yatra Naryastu Pujyante Ramante Tatra Devatah – “Where women are worshipped there the angels tread”.

This great law-giver of Hinduism and first lawgiver on this planet defined the status of a wife and her equal rights thus:
1.     If a wife dies, her husband may marry another wife. (Manu, Chapter V, Verse 168). If a husband dies, a wife may marry another husband. (Manu,
2.    If a wife becomes fallen by drunkenness or immorality her husband may marry another. (Manu, Chapter IX, Verse 80). If a husband becomes fallen, a wife may re-marry another husband. 
4.     If a husband deserts his wife, she may marry another. (Manu, Chapter IX, Verse 76 )

Untouchability and caste-based discrimination were unknown during the Varnashrama days. No one was born high and no one low. You became what you are with your karma. 

A dimwit who cannot pass a single exam in school has no reason to write the IIT entrance exam and hope to get Computer Science stream.  

It is easy to secure a job on quota but very difficult to hold on to it, unless you work for the useless and corrupt Indian government offices or town municipality office.

Janmanaa Jaayate Shudrah Sanskaraat Dwija Ucchate
Vedapaathi Bhavet Viprah  Brahma janaati Brahmanah

“By birth all are Shudras only.  By actions men become Dwija (twice-born). By reading the Vedas one becomes Vipra and becomes Brahman by gaining the knowledge of God.”

“He in whom the qualities of truth, munificence, forgiveness, gentleness, abstinence from cruel deeds, contemplation, and benevolence are observed, is called a Brahmin in the Smriti. A man is not a Sudra (low Caste) by being a Sudra nor a Brahmin by being a Brahmin”.-- Vanparva Mahabharata

Na Visheshosti Varnanaam Sarvam Braahmyamidam Jagat
Brahmanaa poorva Sristhim hi Karmabhih Varnataam Gatam

“There are no distinctions of castes. Divine consciousness is omnipresent in the world. It was Brahmanic entirely at first. The Varnas have emerged in consequence of men’s actions.” -Shantiparva Mahabharata



You can read in Aiteriya Brahmana (ii.3.19), that Kavasha Ailusha, who was a Sudra and son of a low woman, was greatly respected for his literary attainments, and admitted into the class of Rishis – the pre-eminent Hindu sages.

He as a shudra became a Maharishi and wrote some of the hymns of Rig-Veda (Rig., X. 30-40).
In the Chandogyopanishad we can read that Jabala, also known as Satya Kama, had no gotra, or family name whatever (Chan. Upa., IV. 4).  Though born of low parents, Jabala founded a School of the Yajur Veda.

In the Apasthambha Sutra (II. 5-10) and Manu Smriti (x. 65) we can read that a Sudra can become a Brahman and a Brahman can become a Sudra.”.

From Vyasa, Valmiki, and Vishva Karma , till the white man invaded India , we find hundreds of eminent Rishis who are Sudras by Varna.  

Megasthenes, the great Greek historian has recorded two milleniums ago  that there were four castes in Hindus and a Hindu of any caste may become a Sophist (Brahmin).

Caste hierarchy and privileges based on caste had no sanction in Hinduism. They are the direct result of the immoral white Christian invader and their vested historians.

The very expression Dharma in Manusmriti is opposed to and inconsistent with any social inequality by birth . The relevant provisions of the Shruti (Vedas) leave no room for doubt that discrimination on the ground of birth or otherwise had no Vedic sanction; on the other hand such discrimination was plainly opposed to vedic injunction. 

Discrimination of any kind is, therefore, contrary to Dharma. It is really Adharma.  All discrimination in Hindu society was introduced by the white Christian invader to divide and rule.

Sanatana Dharma respects the planet along with its flora and fauna. It is the only religion which advocates vegetarianism. 

Manu wrote that polluting the environment was a punishable offence. In Manu’s laws a person could be ex-communicated from society for mindless felling of tress or killing of animals, the way the English speaking white man shot the buffalo and exterminated the Indian American , or how the Australian Aborigine race was exterminated.. 

The whole idea of Vaastu was to construct something without disturbing the flow of nature and interrupting natural flow of energy. It is about peaceful co-existence and comfort. Vaastu is about  living  in harmony with nature ,  grateful for her natural bounties.

 It tells us not dominate and harass other living beings, have inherent grace and know your “duties”.. That human beings are just but a link in this symbiotic chain of life and consciousness

SANATANA means " that which holds eternal Vedic knowledge"-- encompassing everything from microcosm to macrocosm.  Dharma leads to eternal bliss, both in this world and the next. It is your sole and soul companion after death.  

Dharma leads you on the path of self realisation.  Dharma includes adhara or regulation of daily life as per your conscience and written Vedic laws.

The Vedic rishis had stressed, there are many paths to the final goal.  This is why Hinduism has a multiplicity of Gods and Goddesses. This is why Hinduism abjures all divides and separates. It happily embraces all different paths. 

Hinduism is a spiritual code. Know thyself is the quintessence.  It has no founder or a Supreme head. There is NO supreme middleman like the Pope who can canonise a human into a saint, by hoodwinking the unsuspecting masses.

Ever known  of an evil woman who used India as an open sore , to attract flies ( milk money ) which she used to open up 700 Christianity conversion centers around the world?

Punch into Google search –


Hinduism does NOT care for individual leadership or hierarchy. This is a religion without fundamentals or lack of compulsions. You cannot get ex-communicated for NOT toeing the line. Hinduism has never converted , by guile ( Christian missionaries ) or force ( Muslim ) -- nor has a army of missionaries , ramming it down unwilling throats. 

though we use the Bhagawat Gita to swear an oath, as set down by our British rulers in court-- we do NOT have a single holy book, like the Bible or Koran.  Such has been the tolerance to deviant beliefs.  At the heart of Hinduism remains mans' essential quest for union with the Absolute supreme. Hinduism is based on reason and NOT faith--unless the faith is an extension of reason.

The Hindu tradition , unlike other religions --has always concerned itself with the human situation rather than the Hindu situation.  Instead of basing its identity on separating Hindu from non-Hindu or believer from non-believer, Hinduism has sought to recognize principles and practices that would lead any individual to become a better human being and understand and live in harmony with dharma.

The distinction of dharma from the Western sense of religion is crucial to understanding Hindu religious identity Dharma is an all-important concept for Hindus. In addition to tradition and moral order, it also signifies the path of knowledge and correct action. 

Because of Hinduism’s emphasis on living in accordance with dharma, anyone who is striving for spiritual knowledge and seeking the right course of ethical action is, in the broadest sense, a follower of sanatana dharma.

According to the doctrine of karma, our present condition in life is the consequence of the actions of our previous lives. The choices we have made in the past directly affect our condition in this life, and the choices we make today and thereafter will have consequences for our future lives in samsara.

Ahimsa, “non-injury” or the absence of the desire to harm, is regarded by Indian thinkers as one of the keystones of our ethics. Jews have never been persecuted in Kerala over the millenniums.  Hebrew religion and Hinduism co-existed, only because Hindus are tolerant . 

They absorbed the  inherent greed and clannishness of a quintessential Jew , without retaliation or retribution. While the rest of the world targeted the Jews throughout the ages. If you read the Jewish Talmud, you will know why.

In Sanatana Dharma Rita is the principle of cosmic truth and order.

In the 7000 year old Rig Veda there is a remarkable insight on the notion of Rita, the inflexible law of universal order and harmony whereby all disorders and chaos is restored to equilibrium. 

Rita is, in essence, the ordering principle of nature which gives to everything from the vast galaxies, down to the nucleus of an atom, their nature and course. 

To understand Advaita Hinduism punch into Google search-

The Hindu gods are never portrayed as having command over Ṛita.  Instead, the gods, like all created beings, remain subject to Ṛita, and their divinity largely resides in their serving it in the role of executors, agents or instruments of its manifestation.

This is why we have a multiplicity of Gods and NOT a single bleeding man on the cross or a fat man in meditative pose. Because of rita, the sun and moon pursue their daily journeys across the sky, and the seasons proceed in regular movement.

In the Vedic vision, this law of cosmic order is conceived to be manifesting at three levels: on the cosmic plane Rita governs the course of nature; on the socio-ethical level, Rita imparts justice; and on the religio-spiritual level.  

Though originally understood as a subordinate component of the essentially metaphysical concept of Ṛita, Dharma eventually grew to overshadow. Ṛita remained largely confined to the Vedas, and most Hindus don’t even know the meaning of Rita. .

A central concept of the Ṛigveda is that created beings fulfil their true natures when they follow the path set for them by the ordinances of Ṛita, and failing to follow those divine ordinances was thought to be responsible for the appearance of various forms of calamity and suffering .  A man who follows the ordinances of nature ( universal laws ) can be described as one who acts according to the "Dharma of Ṛita".

Dharma, was  originally conceived of as a manifestation of Ṛita inasmuch as it represents that aspect of the universal Order which specifically concerns the mundane natural, religious, social and moral spheres as expressed in ritualistic regulations, public laws, moral principles and laws of nature. . Rita, gives order to the universe and shows the righteous path for the mind to follow.

It is the psychological principle teaching man how to lead a moral life. Thus we can see that according to the Vedic seers, the same ideal functions as the guiding principle for individual as well as universal life.

That is why in the first sukta of the Rig Veda itself, addressed to Agni, the sages call their deity ritasya didivim, the illuminator of truth.

To understand Dvaita Hindusim , punch into Google search-

When I see evangelists on foreign funded TV trying to propagate certain shallow religions, and trying hard to convert by force or by sops of by baffling with bull,  I realize the difference between a pebble and the sun.  In Malayalam itself there are 6 cable channels trying hard to sell Jerusalem.

Sorry, the sun is NOT in competition.

Ṛita is frequently used in reference to various Vedic deities. Thus, Maharishi Bṛihaspati , the mentor of Indian gods, known to the West as Thor or Zeus - is referred to as possessing a powerful bow with "Ṛita as its string". 

Ṛita can be abstract concepts such as "law", "order",, "truth", and "regularity". It can also be concrete objects such as the waters,  aakasha ( ether ) or the sun as manifestations of the operation of Ṛita in the cosmos.

India is widely recognized at the last place on earth where spirituality still exists. Even the western thinkers agree that  a chapter which had a Western beginning will have to have an Indian ending if it is not to end in self-destruction of the human race.

At this supremely dangerous moment in human history the only way of salvation for the mankind is an Indian wayArnold Toynbee

In times of confusion and crisis regarding what is right and what is wrong, one's own conscience is the sole guide.

"In times of doubt, O, son of Kunti [Arjuna], one must decide using one's own good sense-  Bhagawat Gita 

Hindus respect and appreciate culture in terms of itself.  We are sensitive to cultural nuances .  We listen and we respect local values .  We understand that culture has a life of its own and is stronger than life and triumphs over death.  

We believe human beings have feelings unlike machines. In an Indian company employees areseen as  bread winners at home.  Shared ethos has more weight than adherence to hard written rules and there is absence of deception.

Divorce rate within Hindus is the lowest in the world--it is a mindset . Marriage is NOT based on lust, but by sacred commitment of 7 pheras around a holy fire. No Hindu woman will go for silicon implants to save her marriage. When a Hindu greets you with a Namaste, he bows to the greatness in you.

Patanjali Yoga sutra (1.33) -- Mind becomes purified by cultivating feelings of maitri ( friendliness, lovingness) which is a feeling towards others when others are happy,  Karuna ( compassion or mercy) feelings towards others when others are suffering,  mudita (gladness or good will) towards where there are good things happening and upeksha (indifference, neutrality or acceptance) where there is bad things are happening or bad behavior from other people.

Dharma fosters a climate of social and spiritual responsibility. Dharma is not a set of rules that restrict your way of life or cramp your style. Dharma puts things in their proper place, allows your perspective and creates and maintains balance.  

In the  Dharmashastras, dharma is examined from virtually every imaginable angle,  every perspective , from kingly duties, cultural norms, sexual relations, and everyday social rules such as manners and etiquette.

And mind you it is not the ridiculous Emily Post type of snooty etiquette where a genteel lady has to crook her little finger while having tea.

Hinduism teaches that people who remain on the path of dharma lead successful, happy lives.  It is the secret to divine joy on earth.

Today, with emigration and globalisation, and the assault of foreign funded TV on our culture, it is far more difficult for Hindus to discern what practices are consistent with dharma.

Karma is understood in Hinduism as a universal law of cause and effect. Positive actions produce positive effects; negative actions produce negative effects. To act dharmically is to act in a karmically positive manner, therefore. 

When one acts dharmically, one necessarily produces positive karma. This karma is cumulative: one accrues karma, positive and negative, not only throughout the course of one's life, but throughout the course of one's multiple rebirths. It is karma that determines one's rebirths. Once your accrued karma log is cleared , on god’s sanction alone, you attain moksha, which is the final end to earthly sojourns. 

Dharma embraces every type of righteous conduct covering every aspect of life essential for the sustenance and welfare of the indiavidual and society and includes those rules which guide and enable those to attain moksha (eternal bliss).

Dharma nourishes our society and existence. One must carry out their duties without being attached to the results of their actions. Hinduism connects metaphysics, ethics, and ontology. Ethics only makes sense if it is based on the nature of self and reality. 

This makes Hindu ethics unique in terms of other views that separate ethics as separate discipline. Dharma is the greatest and the most valuable contribution to humanity by India. All our present day problems are a direct result of disregarding 'Dharma' , under the influence of a materialistic philosophy, ( dished out by foreign funded media and TV )in the belief that it alone can usher in happiness and secure the welfare of the people.  

Dharma is a Sanskrit expression of the widest import.  There is no corresponding word in any other language—for righteous conduct in every sphere of activity. Dharma sustains the society. Dharma ensures the well being and progress of humanity.

Above: Protecting the environment, flora and fauna is the Dharma of a Hindu.

The life of a man as per Dharma is broken down into four stages— you could call this periods of 25 years each..

BRAHMACHARYA: The first is the student stage. The student is unmarried and hence called a brahmacarin. He devotes himself to studies in a gurukula ( school ) under a Guru ( teacher ) .  During this stage his dharma is to acquire knowledge and skills and kept his mind and body supremely fit.  He is required to cultivate moral character and discipline which would enable him to develop his personality so that he would not only be useful to himself but also to the members of the family and to society as well. During this stage he cannot lead a wanton life.

GRIHASTA:  By now he can becomes a householder and marry.  He must continue his lineage an procreate.  He must earn  legitimate income and through it to serve the family and the society. He must maintain sexual morality and keep his family happy by providing for them every which way . He must strive to educate his children and make them worthy citizens.  Marriage is a compromise where you create a sense of belonging.  He has a dharma to be useful to society.

VANAPRASTHA:  In this stage a man must gain spiritual knowledge and do meditation and yoga.  He must now loosen his attachment to wordly and material life .  He must retire from earning activities and devoting more time to the service of society.  He must give back what you have taken from society with interest. This could be skills or knowledge. During this period, he is required to encourage his sons to take up family responsibility and of course get good vetted spouses for them.

SANYASA : In the final stage man must get seclusion and renounce the material life to lead of life of spirituality . He must turn his mind towards God or Paramatma.

Thus, the four Ashramas were by and large intended to secure human excellence by requiring an individual to discharge the four pious obligations in an effective manner, and by leading a purposeful life.  This arrangement was intended not only to ensure that an individual would not go astray but also that he would follow the path of righteousness through out his life.

The Dharma of the wind to blow, the Dharma of the sun to heat up the world and sustain life, the Dharma of fire to burn.  It is the Dharma of the Plants to give out oxygen . It is the dharma of animals and humans to give out carbon dioxide and plants to take in carbon di oxide at night .  

And behind the delicate workings and inter-relations between the various cosmic phenomena, there is an order, an intelligently engineered and organized system, a set of laws that seem to be at work governing the great forces and powers (Shakti) at play behind these laws.  

This is Rita , the cosmic order, that includes many dynamic sub-orders, each represented by powers and forces of great intensity and magnitude, each governed by their own dharma or internal law of being and working – each interacting upon one another, within the boundaries of that law, sustaining, maintaining and upholding all things material and phenomenal in this universe.

Our ancient seers and maharishis saw rights and responsibilities as two sides of the same coin and decided to emphasize responsibilities and duty over rights,  whereas other civilizations emphasized rights.

They knew that when responsibilities and duties are fulfilled, people receive their rights. For example, when parents fulfill their duties and responsibilities for their children--their children receive their rights. The same principle applies for a nation and its citizens. Where people live in conformity with their dharma, the individual rights of all others are naturally granted.

 यतोभ्युदयनि:श्रेयससिद्धि: धर्म:

 Meaning :  Dharma is that by means of which one acquires prosperity and the ultimate upliftment. Vaisheshik Sutras 1.12

 श्रेयान्स्वधर्मो विगुण: परधर्मात्स्वनुष्ठितात्
  स्वधर्मे निधनं श्रेय: परधर्मो भयावह: ।। - श्री महाभारत .२७.३५

Meaning : One's own code of dharma is superior even if it be faulty in comparison to another's code of righteousness  which may be easier to adopt.  Mahabharata 6.27.35

The belief in the existence of the all-pervasive Divinity in the universe creates an attitude of acceptance, reverence, benevolence and compassion for all things and beings in the mind of a Hindu. He does not see any intrinsic evil in Nature. He sees the ground, the sky, the trees, the hills and mountains, and the rivers all sacred.

A Hindu considers life a divine pilgrimage from "unreal to real, darkness to light, and death to immortality."  Being on this road of pilgrimage, a Hindu has no intention to hurt anyone. He is thoroughly convinced that whatever he does in this life will come back to him in the next life.

Thus he must do good and be good now, as he will have to come back again and again in this world until all karma scores are settled. This is why a beggar with just a loin cloth as his property does NOT attack anybody on the streets , like in countries where Christianity rules.

In Muslim countries they are plain scared of losing their neck or limb.  It is NOT morality which deters them-- just raw fear of severe painful retribution.  This is like you wife makes bed tea for you , because she is afraid of getting slapped -- NOT out of love.

Saraswati is the goddess of learning and knowledge. Thus, if a Hindu wants to pray for acquiring knowledge and understanding, he prays to Saraswatî.  Just as sunlight cannot have a separate and independent existence from the sun itself, a Hindu deity does not have a separate and independent existence from the Supreme Being.  

Thus, Hindu worship of deities is monotheistic polytheism and not simple polytheism. .Hindus declare that there is only one Supreme Being and He is the God of all religions, which is the morphogenetic field of consciousness ( the intelligent empty space within the atom )

Above: There are 108 Upanishads , the number of beads in a rudraksha mala . 

The person who hates none, who is friendly and has compassion for all, who has no selfishness and ego, who , maintains balance of mind in pain and pleasure, who has contentment, is steady in meditation, self controlled, and firm in his decision, who is dedicated to me, and who is my devotee is dear to me. Bhagavadgita, Chapter XII-13-14

Let the sastras be your authority in deciding what you should do and what you should desist from doing. Having understood what is ordained by the Sastras, you should act accordingly. Bhagawat Gita 16-24

As per Christianity, every man is a sinner till he is saved by Jesus. Christian salvation is the so called solution to the problem of Eternal Damnation caused by Original Sin.

But that problem does not exist within the Hindu dharma traditions.  Why should you be saved when you have NOT been condemned in the first place. You have a clear conscience and you have NOT stitched up anybody.

Imagine someone asking you if you have been pardoned from your prison sentence, and you wonder what effin’ prison sentence.  You have no sin hooks on your body dragging you to eternal hell which has to be unhooked by the Lord (PBUH ).

Christianity's fundamental tenet is that that every human is born a sinner and remains so until he surrenders himself to Jesus Christ.

Hinduism is the religion of bliss. It considers the Right of Happiness to be the highest fundamental right of all humans.  

As an essential prerequisite for the Right to Happiness, the Rig Veda unequivocally declares that all human beings are equal.

The Vedas and Upanishads were the primordial source of Dharma, a compendious term for all Human Rights and Duties, the observance of which was regarded as essential for securing peace and happiness to individuals and society.

The Smritis and Puranas were collections of the rules of Dharma including Civil Rights and criminal liabilities (Vyavahara Dharma) as also Raja Dharma (Constitutional Law).  There were also several other authoritative works on Raja Dharma,  the Kamandaka, Shukra Niti and Kautilya’s Artha Shastra.  All of them unanimously declare that the objective of the State was to secure happiness of all.

Samani Prapaa Saha Vonnabhagah
Samane Yoktre Saha vo Yunajmi
Aaraah Nabhimivaabhitah

“All have equal Rights to articles of food and water. The yoke of the chariot of life is placed equally on the shoulders of all. All should live together in harmony supporting one another like the spokes of a wheel of the chariot connecting its rim and hub”. (Atharva Veda – Samjnana Sukta).

 Narada Smriti, requires the king to protect non-believers too.

“Pashandanaigama sreni poogavraata ganadishu
Samrakshet samayam Raja Durge Janapade Tatha”

“The king should accord protection to compacts of associations of believers of Vedas (Naigamas) as also the non-believers (Pashandis) and others” (Narada Smriti, Dharma Kosha)

“We not only tolerate, but we Hindus accept every religion …. Knowing that all religions, from the lowest fetishism to the highest absolutism, mean so many attempts of the human soul to grasp and realize the infinite, each determined by the conditions of its birth and association, and each of them marking a stage of progress” –  Hinduism expert, Swami Vivekananda at the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago in 1893.

The secular ideals of Europe are nascent in front of the Hindu ideal of ‘Sarva Dharma Samabhav’ – ‘Equal Respect for all Religions’. Whereas the secular ideology stops at calling for ‘tolerance’ to the diversity, 

Hinduism goes much further. It doesn’t just tolerate; it accepts every religion. It transcends all barriers of religious bigotry and even celebrates diversity. Diversity in form and unity in spirit is what Hinduism stands for.

Before 7000 BC, India ruled the whole world.  After 7000 BC, India ruled from Jeruslam to Urals to Vietnam.  The ancient Maharishis of that era, have said that  that  the whole humanity is like a big extended family.

Samaani va Aakootihi Samaanaa Hridayaanivah
Samaanamastu vo Mano Yathaa Vah Susahaasati
-        RigVeda, Mandala-10, Sukta-191, Mantra-4

 “Let there be oneness in your resolutions, hearts and minds; let the determination to live with mutual cooperation be firm in you all”.

The modern globalist want us to believe that the whole world is a huge market. While the generous  ancient Hindus  (of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam – the world as one Family)  stood for one harmonious world, the greedy globalisation cartel stands for one vulgar market.  In reality what we are actually achieving is not globalisation, but Walmart-isation and Monsato-isation. 

Prajasukhe Sukham Rajnah Prajanam cha Hite Hitam
Naatmapriyam Hitam Rajnah Prajanaam tu Priyam Hitam

“In the happiness of the subjects lies the happiness of the King; in their welfare his welfare. The King shall not consider what pleases himself as good; whatever pleases his subjects is only good for him” (Artha Shastra)

These Fundamental Rights represent the basic values cherished by the Indians since the Vedic times and they are calculated to protect the dignity and happiness of the individual and create conditions in which every human being can develop his personality to the fullest extent.

Manusmriti mandates that highest respect and regard must be extended to women. Gods are pleased, with the house in which women are respected, in that house in which women are insulted and are made to suffer, every thing done is sure to go waste.  If in a house daughter, the daughter-in-law, and the sisters 'and other women suffer, that house is sure to be destroyed.  The house in which such women live happily, secures wealth and happiness.

“It may be confidently asserted that in no nation of antiquity were women held in so much esteem as amongst Hindus”  Prof Horace Heyman Wilson Director , Royal Asiatic Society.

Above : Hinduism is a religion which has withstood the VULGAR proselyting onslaught of Islam ( by sword ) and Christianity ( by sops ) for 800 years.

The Indians who were taken abroad as slaves by the British,  by DECEIT MOST FOUL also hung on to their religion against all odds.


The Muslim priesthood till today sanctifies four wives and gives abusive religious dictats called "fatwa" from the mosque.  

Christian priesthood claims superiority and entices the poor and vulnerable of other faiths to conversion with immoral sops.  This type of sops is what a pedophile uses on 4 year old girls—first give a lollipop to suck on, and then later something else.. 

It is NOT allowed to exploit human vulnerability as per Hindu dharma.

Dharma has attributes like  rationality, sense of duty, justice, peace, truthfulness, hospitality, kindness , respect, compassion, non-violence, rectitude, humanity, spirituality, fairness , patience, self restraint , tolerance, ethics, service to others, right to life , natural justice, virtue, morality, bonafide work and philanthropy.  Dharma thus truly symbolises universal values of humanism and forms the basis of global ethics.

Tadrisho ayam anuprashno yatra dharmaha sudurlabaha
Dushkamha pralisankhyatum tatkenatra vysvasyathi
Prabhavarthaya bhutanam dharmapravachanam kritam
Yasyat prabhavasamyuktaha sa dharma iti nischayaha

It is most difficult to define Dharma. Dharma has been explained to be that which helps the upliftment of living beings. Therefore, that which ensures the welfare of living beings is surely Dharma. The learned rishis have declared that that which sustains is Dharma.-- Bhishma to Yuddhistra Mahabharata

Respect for all religions is Dharma.   Dharma is universal, it applies to all whether they belong to any religion or not.  It is a code of conduct for all human beings for all time to come.  It is eternal and unalterable just as you cannot alter the property of fire of burning and of water of flowing.

The goal of dharma is to raise the quality of life , ensure spiritual awaking and fulfill humanity’s destiny. To be a Hindu, you don’t need any certificate from any temple, church or mosque or praying house .  

You need not recite any verse.  You need not believe in any particular God or book.  You simply have to have a conscience and be honest to yourself.  

Can anybody be a Muslim if he outrightly rejects Quran? Can anybody be a  Christian if he outrightly rejects the holy Bible ?  

Can any Muslim in Pakistan or Saudi Arabia say in public to other muslims that he wants to convert to Christianity, and still hope to be alive the next day?  As long as a Muslim in in minority he wants a SECULAR government. But soon he will procreate like mice ( if conversions by force are NOT happeneing ) and then as soon as he is in majority he wants SHARIA Islamic government with religious police to enforce . 
But yes, one can be a Hindu even if he outrightly rejects the Vedas.

Scientists have found out today that Vedic mantras  have therapeutic and psychological benefits even when recited without understanding them. For Sanskrit emanated from the DNA of seers.

Punch into google search –

Hinduism’s goal is to provide a nurturing platform for all.  Hinduism allows different options to all of us at all times to choose what is naturally best for us and progress from there.  

Hinduism existed when division of humans on basis of religion was non-existent. Hinduism is a ‘celebration’ of ‘being human’. Hinduism, is a synonym for ‘being human’.

Vedic provisions forcefully declare equality among all human beings. They impresses that just as no spoke of a wheel is superior to another, no individual can claim to be, or regarded as, superior to others. This was the grand concept of equality in India.

Below is a British stooge BR Ambedkar, who was used to divide Hindus, for divide and rule. You will understand the vulgar games this man played , if you punch into Google search -


Dharanat dharma mityahu dharmo dhara-yate prajaha
Yat syad dharanasamyuktam sa dharma iti nischayaha

Dharma sustains the society.  Dharma maintains the social order.  Dharma ensures well being and progress of humanity.  Dharma is surely that which fulfills these objectives-  Lord Krishna To Arjuna Karna Parva, Mahabharata

People from other religions ridicule Hindus for having so many dieties.  

My answer to them is this.

Are any of these deities imposed on Hindus ?  Or is the deity chosen by a Hindus free choice?  Is any holy book or messiah or place of worship  ever imposed on a Hindu?  Does any Hindus ever claim that only he is on the right path?  This is the uniqueness of Hindu Dharma. This is the all-encompassing pervasiveness of Hindu Dharma. This is the proof of the greatness of Hindu Dharma.

In fact the supreme brahmAn – the morphogenetic consciousness field –  is just an intelligent empty space which controls every electron.

Hindu Dharma considers compassion and moral conscience in human beings sacred.  Other religions  preach that ‘man is a sinner and God sends His Prophet to the earth for his emancipation’.  

धारणात् धर्मं इत्याहुर्धर्मो धारयती प्रजा: - महाभारत १२.१०९.११

Righteousness is that which nurtures the subjects and in turn the society. - Mahabharat 12.109.11

This vulgar presumption considers that man is a sinner and suffers from defects , and all the authority to emancipate him has been given to the Prophet is ridiculous.   So that man is bound to accept the greatness of the Prophet and serve him without question?

At least once each year every Hindu must make a pilgrimage to a holy place, near or far. This is a time when all worldly matters are set aside and God becomes the  central and singular focus of life.

Dharma is the moral law combined with spiritual discipline that guides one's life. Hindus  onsider dharma the very foundation of life.

Prithivim dharmana dhritam
The world is upheld by dharma- Atharva Veda

Dharma is like a cosmic norm and if one goes against the norm it can result in bad karma. So, dharma affects the future according to the karma accumulated. Ethics is the supporting structure of Hinduism. Within its framework of good conduct lie the joys of spiritual living and the depths of God consciousness.

All Mankind is One Family- Rig Veda, 1.164.46

Hindu dharma has no founder, the word Sanatana implies that it always existed.  Dharma is anything that upholds or sustains a positive order. Hindus consider that loyalty to one's moral values is the highest loyalty, and of all the losses, loss of one's character and conscience are the worst.  

Morality proceeds from the inner spirit of man. In Hindu dharma , one's motive is as important in the performance of an action as the action itself. Harmlessness to all life on earth is of the highest morality .  

Hindus place greater emphasis on the attitude of the mind rather than on postulation of the elaborate theories of what is right and what is wrong as in other religions (like the ten commandments ).  The purity of the heart is important.  Sanatana Dharma is not restricted to Indian boundaries but it is universal.

Hinduism is not just mere faith. It is the union of reason and intuition that cannot be defined but is only to be experienced.  When we live in accordance with the divine law of dharma, we are in harmony with truth and move toward spiritual advancement.

Since Christianity and Islam were born they have filled the earth with violence, drenched the soil with blood again and again . They have destroyed  civilizations, and sent whole nations to despair.

The world is now coming back to the mother of all religions Hinduism—the west call as PAGAN.  Hindusim is 110 centuries old, while Christianity is 20 centuries old and Islam is 14 centuries old. This is the only religion without fundamentals or lack of compulsions.

Sanatana as “eternal moral order” encourages Hindus to seek truth wherever it might be found, each individual must realize this truth through his or her own systematic effort. Ancient India and her unique culture has survived over 12000 years, because Hinduism was developed along Spiritual lines, NOT materialistic lines.

You don’t have to live in India to be a Hindu. You could be a Catholic living in England, as long as you have a conscience, live in harmony with nature ,  grateful for her natural bounties, do not dominate and harass other living beings, have inherent grace and know your “duties”.. You must understand that human beings are just but a link in this symbiotic chain of life and consciousness.

Four qualities that keep a person the path of dharma are purity, compassion, austerity and truth- Bhagawad Purana.

Sanskara is a process by which good qualities are generated and bad qualities are removed in an individual. Thus, when knowledge of rules of Dharma and of Dharma abiding nature is ingrained in the mind of an individual, it acts as antigen against the six enemies inherent in him and always makes him conform to dharma. That is why 'Dharma' is given the pride of place by our ancestors- Adi Shankaracharya Vedanta Sutra -2000 BC

The six inherent enemies in Man, namely Kama (desire), Krodha (anger), Lobha (greed), Moha (passion), Mada (infatuation) and Matsarya (enmity).

There is indeed a world of difference between Dharma and religion . Dharma is a higher, overarching principle of life on earth. .  The Supreme court of India  defined Indian  Dharma thus: “‘Dharma’ is that which upholds, nourishes, or supports the stability of the society, maintains social order and secures the wellbeing and progress of mankind.

'आनृशंस्यं परो धर्म:
Compassion itself is ultimate Righteousness (Mahabharat 3.373.76)

Try thinking with your heart and loving with your mind.

See what a difference it makes. It could save you from pain and decadence .

Ekam sat vipraha, bahudha vadanti.
"Truth is one, the wise call It by various names."- Rig Veda 5000 BC