Wednesday 30 April 2014


"Who am I?":


In advaita, friends, there is relief. There is a joy. We ll love advaita. Nobody wants dvaita. We fight only because of dvaita. It takes two- not merely two, conflicting two- for a fight. It takes two for a crime. It takes two for violence. It takes two for jealousy. It takes two for hatred.
It takes only one for love. Eventhough there is another, there is no division really. We accept the other person completely. There is just love, the flame of love which resolves the two into one. What a wonder! Whenever there is a joy in any experience involving two or three or four or ten, or millions; I tell you, there is only one. Seeker-sought division is not there.
A second thing, a conflict creates a seeker sought division, causes a danger to me. I become a seeker of getting rid of that thing which should not be there. And thus any kind of conflict is caused only by this kind of duality.
Dattareya about whom we have heard a lot had a number of gurus. One of his gurus was a woman and do you know what he learnt from her? He went to her for bhikshA . He asked for bhikshA. From the house a woman came and said, “sir you please wait, I will give you bhikshA. I have to cook the food and give it to you. Will you please wait?” Dattareya said “ok I will wait”.
He waited there inside the house. She gave him an Asana, a seat, offered him water and went inside. She wanted to cook rice but the rice was not there. She had paddy, but no rice in stock. So she had to pound the paddy. She started pounding the paddy. While pounding, the bandles she was wearing on her hands were making so much noise that she felt shy.
She thought that perhaps the sashu would think he is causing trouble to me. And he may quietly go away. Therefor she wanted to avoid the noise made by these bangles. She started removing the bangles one by one
Dattareya had already heard the noise of the bangles and now he happened to see her removing them.. She removed 8, but not the 9th one. He wondered why. And she began pounding. No noise at all. Yea! It takes two to make noise, dattareya understood. Thus he learnt a lot of things from different sources
When I am talking, I create a sound. Do you say that the SwAmI is making a noise? When somebody is singing reaching his octave, do we complain that he is making noise? We do not feel that way. Why? Because that is not noise. When we do not want the other person to talk and still he continues, he is making noise, really. But sound by itself is not noise.
When you are listening to me, you do not realize that there is advaita. I will prove it later. There is advaita. There is only a perceptual dvaita, but when you are absorbed in the topic there is no dvaita, no conflicting dvaita. Thus everybody loves advaita. Nobody loves dvaita.
When at home, if all the members are able to accommodate one another, eventhough they have different notions, opinions, taste etc, we find there is a harmony. They love that harmony. Who wants a discordant note in a symphony?
In an orchestra there are different instruments. Each of these instruments has its own tonal effect, its own form, etc. Each one enjoys its individuality but all of them merge into pattern of symphony. There is advaita there in the pattern. But if one fellow goes out of tune to become predominant he creates disharmony. That is called dvaita, and dvaita brings about discordance

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