The meditation techniques included in this book are not intended to be a substitute for medical
attention, examination, diagnosis or treatment. If someone tries these techniques without prior
participation in the meditation programs, they shall be doing so entirely at their own risk; the author
is not responsible for the consequences of their actions.
Copyright© 2009 - ‘Living Enlightenment Year’
First Edition: June 2009, 2000 copies
ISBN 13: 978-1-60607-062-8
ISBN 10: 1-60607-062-2
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval
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Printed in India by Progressive Partners, Bengaluru
What is Living Enlightenment? 5
Why Meditate? 7
How to become the Master of the Mind? 14
Nithya Dhyaan - Everyday meditation for bliss 24
Nithya Yoga - Yoga for body, mind and being 33
Author’s Note
What is Living Enlightenment?
If you are here, it means Existence wants you to be here in this form. You
are not an accident, you are an incident. You are a conscious miracle of
Existence. Please don’t think I am giving you positive thinking. This is the
straightforward and simple Truth of life. If you trust this Truth, you will start
experiencing life at its best.
The best life is a conflict-free life in the inner world and outer world. This
is what I call Living Enlightenment. It is living an integrated life without a gap
between the inner and outer worlds; continuously living in a beautiful and
harmonious way, feeling connected with whatever is.
To live enlightenment, four things are needed:
Shakti -Energy to change whatever you can.
Buddhi -Intelligence to accept what doesn’t need to be changed. It is
the clarity, the intelligence to know that you don’t have to change everything in
life. Otherwise you will be too busy changing things instead of enjoying them
because you think you can enjoy only if the whole world becomes like how
you want it to be.
Yukti -The Understanding that Existence is a continuously changing
dream. If you understand that Existence is a continuously changing dream,
you will have the ultimate inner healing, ultimate rest and peace. However
much you may try, whatever you may change, Existence or the Whole
continuously changes.
When you understand this, suddenly you will feel connected with the one
thing that doesn’t change -nithya ananda -the eternal bliss, the eternally
unchanging Truth, the eternal energy. This deep feeling of connection that you
feel towards the eternal Truth is what I call bhakti or devotion. This is the
fourth element.
When you live all these four things in life experientially, you are living
enlightenment, you are radiating jeevan mukti (living enlightenment).
When you start living enlightenment, your very breath will raise the
consciousness of thousands of people spontaneously. This will directly lead to
a breakthrough in human consciousness - from human consciousness to divine
I bless you sincerely with my very being: Let you all be jeevan muktas
(living enlightened beings). Let you all radiate ‘living enlightenment’. Let you
all radiate nithyananda - eternal bliss.
-Paramahamsa Nithyananda
Why Meditate?
What is the real aim of life?
What is your ultimate aim in life?
To earn more… ? To stay forever young, healthy, beautiful…? To have
better, longer-lasting relationships…? To improve your personality…?
We need to think deeply about what exactly we want in life and why. We
need to understand a few basic truths of life which can simply transform our
whole life.
Whether we are trying to achieve through money, relationships or name
and fame, we are all searching for fulfillment. Fulfillment is our very nature.
Another important truth is we cannot get this fulfillment through acquiring
material things.
We have to seek the fulfillment directly. When we directly seek fulfillment,
we immediately attract the material things we want also. Yes, Existence is
‘too good to be true’! Existence is filled with miracles. There are no accidents
in life, every incident is a miracle unfolding.
Each of us is actually searching for bliss, but we search in many different
ways. Ninety-nine percent of us are not even aware that bliss is our true goal.
Whether we know or we don’t know, we search everywhere in the outside
world for this bliss which is actually there within us, just waiting to be discovered!
A small story:
One evening, a man was searching hard for something in the courtyard in his
house. His wife asked him what it was. He replied that he had dropped a
gold coin. His wife also joined in the search. Soon, others gathered and
practically the whole neighborhood was searching for the lost coin.
Suddenly one neighbor asked the man, ‘Where exactly did you drop the coin?
How come we still haven’t found it?’ The man replied, ‘Oh, I lost the coin
inside the house.’ Everybody searching became angry and asked him, ‘Then
why are we searching here?’
The man replied, ‘The problem is I have no lights inside my house. So I
started searching by the light of this streetlamp here!’
This is exactly what we do in our own lives. We are all experts in searching
for answers in the wrong places. We search for bliss everywhere, be it in
money, power, relationships or ideologies. But we don’t move in the one obvious
direction which is inwards.
What is bliss?
In life everyone has experienced some moments of great happiness. But it
has always been for a reason. And the happiness does not remain permanent.
It is there temporarily, and when it changes or goes away, once again you feel
pain. Only the happiness you experience for no reason at all, which does not
die for any reason, is real and permanent happiness. This is what is called
bliss. Such happiness doesn’t depend on anything outside of you.
What is meditation?
Meditation is just being blissful in the moment. When you are at complete
peace in the present moment, you are already in a state of meditation.
Recall any moment in your life when you have experienced extreme beauty.
Maybe it was the sun rising suddenly from behind a mountain, or the first time
you heard a lovely piece of music. Suddenly you became totally still, wordless.
In the presence of that beauty you couldn’t think any more. You became
totally silent, relaxed, in thoughtless awareness. You were completely dissolved
in that beauty. That moment was meditation!
After a few moments, your inner chatter started again. Your mind said,
‘What a beautiful sunrise!’ The moment the words appeared, you were out of
You can either think or you can meditate. You can never do both. Meditation
is just being. It is experiencing the present moment without resistance.
Why meditation?
There are three states that we constantly experience in our lives – the
waking state, dream state
and deep sleep state.
In the waking state, you
have the ‘I’ consciousness
as well as thoughts.
In the dream state, you
have thoughts but you don’t
have ‘I’ consciousness. Only
because you don’t have ‘I’
consciousness, you are
unable to control your
In the deep sleep state, you have neither ‘I’ consciousness nor thoughts.
You alternate between these three states in your normal day-to-day life.
When you wish to be in deep sleep, you find yourself slipping into a disturbed
dream state. When you wish to be awake, you find yourself falling asleep!
These three states become more or less of a struggle in your life.
But there is a fourth state that we have not experienced. It is called turiya.
In this state the ‘I’ consciousness exists but without thoughts. That is, you are
aware, but you have no thoughts. This state is called thoughtless awareness.
Very few people experience this in their lives. Some people experience this
for a few seconds and then go back to their regular waking state.
If you get a sudden shock or if you are sitting with Nature in a completely
relaxed state, in deep silence, it is possible that for a few moments you
experience this thoughtless awareness. The identity is alive, the ‘I’
consciousness is alive, but there are no thoughts. This is the fourth state of
All our physical and mental illnesses take root in the dream state. The
dream state starts penetrating and overlapping the deep sleep and waking
states. If our waking state is penetrated by the dream state, it is called
daydreaming where we fantasize or imagine endless things that we wish to
do. If our deep sleep is penetrated by dreaming, it is called disturbed sleep.
Continuously during the day or night, our dream state disturbs us. When
our deep sleep state is disturbed by dreams, it results in problems like chronic
fatigue and insomnia. When our waking state is disturbed by dreams, we are
daydreaming with less awareness of the world around us.
The more the dream state penetrates the waking state, the more the
frequency of our consciousness decreases. We may be living in the human
body, but we will not be living a truly human life. When the frequency of
consciousness comes down, we will not be fully aware about the decisions we
make. We will not be aware of the kind of words we are thinking or using. We
will not be aware of what is going on inside of us. It will be as if we are living
in a house, but we do not know everything that is happening inside that house.
You may ask, ‘Why should I meditate?’ Meditation is needed to infuse
deep awareness into both your waking state and the deep sleep state. Instead
of the dream state penetrating the waking and deep sleep states, with meditation
the turiya or blissful state will start penetrating the waking and deep sleep
The purpose of meditation is to experience this fourth state at least once.
Once we experience this fourth state, we can bring the influence of it more
and more into our waking and deep sleep states. If our waking and deep sleep
states are completely influenced by the fourth state, turiya, that is what we
call jeevan mukti or ‘living enlightenment’.
Benefits of meditation
Meditation has the power to transform you physically, mentally, emotionally,
and spiritually.
What exactly is health? Physical health means digesting whatever you eat
and having that food become part of your body. Mental health means digesting
all the ideas and problems that you encounter and forming a clear solution. In
other words, it is living without conflict. Spiritual health means receiving all the
great teachings and energy, digesting them and living a liberated life. Having
all three is total health.
Physical health
Meditation is a complement to medication. Through meditation, you can
regulate your blood pressure and blood sugar and you can increase your body’s
resistance to disease. Through meditation, it is possible to heal even chronic
problems like skin allergies, asthma and arthritis. No disease can escape the
power of meditation.
Mental health - awakening of intelligence and
flowering of intuition
On the mental level, meditation enhances clarity of thought. Meditation is
also a proven way to improve concentration and memory power. Above all,
meditation leads you from intellect to intelligence to intuition.
With meditation, you go beyond the mind, into the being. In the being no
rules exist. You become free to explore your full potential. That is why with
meditation you will suddenly find yourself at ease with your surroundings,
easily able to cope with new situations. You rediscover your spontaneity.
Self-healing thoughts
You may have a medically fit body. That does not mean you are completely
healthy. Of course, I can say from my experience of having seen millions of
people, ninety nine percent of those who do not have the ‘self-healing clarity’
in their system are never able to maintain even physical health. When I say
‘self-healing clarity’, I mean the clarity and understanding to bring yourself
out of depression whenever it tries to grip your consciousness.
I did a research study on a group of people who had been through some
meditation programs and spiritual study. I asked them to write whatever came
into their mind without editing for just twenty minutes. Then I asked another
group of people who had never been exposed to spirituality to also write down
whatever came into their minds without editing for the same twenty minutes.
The results of the study were shocking.
In the case of those people who were not exposed to spirituality, if they
had written one hundred thoughts, more than eighty of them were directing
them more and more towards depression. Only twenty thoughts were self-
healing that could bring them out of depression. But in the case of those who
were exposed to spirituality and meditation, I saw that more than sixty percent
of their thoughts were self-healing! Only forty percent were taking them
towards depression. This is the impact of meditation. It keeps you healthy
Knowledge-weapons to combat depression
Meditation is realizing and living the truth. The knowledge of the Truth is
what I call ‘knowledge-weapons’ or shaastra-shastra. Shaastra means Truth,
knowledge. Shastra means weapons. Knowledge-weapons are the weapons
of Truth that can destroy the depression of your being. The more knowledge-
weapons you have, the more depression will be afraid of you! If you have a
huge army, naturally the enemy country will be afraid of attacking you. Just by
seeing your pile of weapons, the other country will think twice before attacking
you. In the same way, the more you accumulate self-healing thoughts inside
your being, the more depression will fear to come near you.
With meditation, you can live your life in a much better way, with greater
clarity and greater intensity. You will be more aware, more creative. Internally,
you will experience a deep and undisturbed silence.
You will no longer be doing, you will only be watching the doer. This is the
whole secret of meditation – to become the watcher, to become the witness of
your own actions and emotions.
Once you become aware that the real you is not the one who acts, that
the real you is not the one who feels angry or hurt or depressed, then you
experience a tremendous sense of freedom.
Whether we realize it or not, every single one of us is searching for freedom.
All our life we are searching for freedom. We think our freedom is dependent
on others. Now you know that the other person is in no way connected to your
Love and joy for no reason
With meditation, for the first time, you will understand what it means to
love for no reason. For the first time you will not be giving something in order
to receive. You will give love simply because you have so much to give! You
will shower love upon the world in the same way that a rain cloud showers
upon the earth or a flower spontaneously spreads its fragrance all around. You
will love because you are so full and overflowing!
Work as play
Just try this: whatever you do, do it with awareness. If you are eating, eat
with awareness. No extra time is needed to do this. In fact, it will take less
time to eat because when you eat with awareness, you will eat just the amount
your body needs rather than stuffing food down your throat thoughtlessly.
Awareness has tremendous intelligence. Awareness can do better miracles
than all your planning. Awareness doesn’t contradict, it complements your
plans. It will add to your potentiality.
When you are aware, you are absent. When awareness is present, your
ego can’t exist. When your ego exists, awareness can’t be present. ‘Your
absence’ will make you live enlightenment.
When you are aware, you will work optimally and use your energy efficiently.
So at the end of the day you are just as fresh as in the morning. You see, it is
not the work that exhausts you; it is your mind, your attitude. The whole game
of meditation is to get out of the work-oriented mind and look at every moment
of life as a beautiful divine play of Existence.
How to Become the Master of
The Mind?
The ten-minute experiment
Try a very simple experiment for just ten minutes.
Take a sheet of paper and a pen. Sit down by yourself. Write down
whatever thought comes to your mind – as if a transcribing software has been
connected to your mind. Transcribe exactly what you think. Do not edit or
suppress any thoughts. It is an experiment only for you. No one else is going to
look at what you have written. At the end of ten minutes, read what you wrote
just once. You will be amazed! You will clearly see that there is no logic in the
way thoughts form in your mind!
For example, you see a dog on the street. Immediately you remember the
dog you were afraid of when you were young, or the one you used to play with
when you were young. The next thought could be about your childhood. The
third may be about the teacher and the room you used to sit in at school. The
fourth may be about the house where your teacher used to live.
There is no logical connection between the dog that you just saw on the
street and the teacher who taught you in school! However, in a few seconds
you simply jumped from seeing the dog to your childhood teacher. You can see
that your thoughts are just moving, drifting from one thing to another. We can’t
even call this ‘thinking’. It is just ‘association’, that’s all. You associate the dog
with your childhood, your childhood with the teacher, and so on.
Actually, if you do this exercise just once, the very understanding that it
gives you will transform the way you think about yourself, and how you treat
yourself and others. Your whole life will be transformed.
You will understand that no two thoughts are logically connected in your
mind. No thought is responsible for the creation of another thought. All thoughts
appear randomly, independently, and illogically.
How do you ‘unclutch’ from this random stream of thoughts? Let me
clearly define what is meant by ‘unclutch’. When we change gears while
driving a car, whether we change from first to second, or second to third, or
any gear to any gear for that matter, we have to pass through the neutral
position every time. We have to completely press the clutch, or ‘unclutch’,
move through neutral, and only then we can go to the next gear, right? In the
same way, we experience a neutral space between any two thoughts in our
mind. That neutral space, that silence that exists between two thoughts, is the
eternal peace and bliss that all masters talk about. When we no longer cling
onto thoughts and connect them to the past or future, we remain ‘unclutched’.
As we remain ‘unclutched’ from our thoughts, we become more aware of the
neutral spaces between our thoughts. The gap between the thoughts
automatically extends when we remain ‘unclutched’ from the stream of thoughts.
Shaft of pain
Let me provide a deeper understanding of this simple but deep truth of
life. The pain that you experienced seven years ago, the pain that you
experienced three years ago, and the pain that you experienced yesterday are
all unconnected, independent, individual incidents. But you start connecting all
of them and create a shaft of pain. You connect all these random pain thoughts
and create one big pain shaft. You start thinking and believing, ‘My life is
pain.’ Is that true? No! What happened to all the sweet incidents of joy that
you experienced in between? Surely, there must have been at least a few
moments of joy in between! But they are simply forgotten. They are never
picked to form the shaft. So the shaft, any shaft, is never true, because it
focuses on only a fragment of your complete biography.
First, you start archiving the painful memories for utility purpose. You archive
all your pains, probably for medical history sake or to tell your doctor. By and
by, you start believing that all these pains that happened in your life are connected.
You decide that your life is pain, your life is suffering. The moment you come
to the decision that your life is pain or suffering, you create hell for yourself.
Shaft of joy
The joy that you experienced ten years ago, the joy that you experienced
nine years ago, the joy that you experienced three years ago, and the joy that
you experienced one year ago are all independent, individual, unconnected
thoughts or incidents. But now, you connect all of those thoughts and create a
big shaft of joy.
You may identify your joy with an object, a person, or a space like a
particular vacation resort. Now you will try again and again to bring that back
in your life, to bring that person, that object, that space, or that same incident
back in your life. But try as you might, you will not be able experience the
same joy again. This puts you in further pain!
Pain shaft or joy shaft – both lead to suffering
In life, we constantly create either shafts of pain
or shafts of joy. If you create a shaft of pain, you
try to break it. If you create a shaft of joy, you try to
elongate it! But you don’t understand that you can
neither elongate the joy shaft nor break the pain
shaft - simply because the shaft itself doesn’t exist!
It is just your own imagination, selective memory.
The very shaft is your imagination.
Just let go…and you can fly!
In the forests of Northern India, I have seen during my spiritual wandering
days, how the hunters use a trap to catch birds. They tie a rope between two
trees. In the middle of the rope, they secure a wooden stick. The rope is tied
at the midpoint of the stick. This is actually a hunter’s trap for birds.
You may think, ‘How can a bird be
trapped with a small stick? How is it
possible?’Actually, all they do is just hang
the stick between two trees using a rope,
that’s all. When a bird comes and sits on
the stick, the bird’s own weight turns
the whole stick upside down; it turns
topsy-turvy. The bird is now hanging
upside down, clinging to the stick!
The moment it turns upside down and loses its sense of balance, it feels
totally shaken and tightens its grip on the stick. It simply holds onto the stick as
if its life depends on it. Because it is hanging upside down, it thinks, ‘If I
unclutch from this stick, what will happen? I will fall and die.’
There is no record that any bird has fallen and broken its head! But the
bird does not have the intelligence to realize this. It keeps hanging on. By not
letting go, not only does it lose its freedom, it loses its life too, because ultimately
the hunter traps it.
Just like the bird, you don’t realize that if you just drop your mind, at that
moment you can become a Paramahamsa! That very moment you can be
liberated. You can simply start flying.
The same fear that the bird clinging to the stick had, you have now. Your
fear and the bird’s fear are one and the same. The bird believes that it can’t let
go; if it does it will die. Similarly, you hold on to your mind and feel, ‘I can’t let
go. If I start trusting that I am unconnected, unclutched, independent and
illogical thoughts, I might be lost.’
The hunter comes leisurely, after four or five hours, takes the bird, puts it
in the cage, and leaves. Now the bird neither has the freedom to fly nor the
stick to balance. The foolish bird doesn’t know that if it had just let go of the
stick, it could have simply flown away!
In the same way, you hold on to whatever you think is your identity and
security – your education, your mind, your life, your relationships, or your bank
balance. Yama, the god of death, ultimately comes to remove the stick that is
your identity. Then you are neither a Paramahamsa, a liberated soul, nor are
you able to hold on to your identity. You will neither have the freedom, nor will
you have the stick of your identity that you are clutching, because the stick
itself is an illusion.
Let me tell you, if the bird lets go
and relaxes, it may flutter to balance for
a moment or two. It may take one or
two moments to balance itself, but it will
never fall and die. When it leaves the
stick, maybe for a few seconds it will
fall, but then it will adjust itself and start
Be very clear, let go and you will never fall and die. You will only become
a Paramahamsa!
This moment, trust yourself. Don’t bother about losing your identity. Just
trust yourself and let go of your identity. You will immediately become a
Paramahamsa and be liberated. All you need to do is trust that you are
unclutched - even if you don’t trust that, it is still the truth!
When you unclutch, there will be some revolutionary changes in your life,
in your day-to-day thinking, your decision-making, and your daily routine and
lifestyle. Courageously going through that revolution, going through the
transformation that happens in you, is what I call tapas or penance.
On rare occasions during my wanderings, I have seen that when a bird is
hanging on the stick, another bird that was once stuck in the trap, but had the
courage to let go and open up, comes back. It pokes the hanging bird and says,
‘Hey, let go! Relax! I was like you. I had the same problem. When I relaxed,
I just started flying. All it takes is just two or three seconds to balance. When
I opened up, I never fell and broke my head or died. I only became liberated.
I only became a free bird. Come on...’ But the hanging bird will not believe it.
Understand that the responsibility of the free bird is to go about freeing
other birds. It is the responsibility of the free bird to go and poke the bird
trapped on the stick and say, ‘Free yourself.’
Now understand, I am that free bird that has come now to tell you: I have
created a safety net below you. Even if you fall, you won’t hurt yourself.
Relax! Let go, you will only fly!
See, the sangha, the community of the master, is the net. Even if you fall,
you will not hurt yourself.
First of all, you will not fall. But just to give you the deeper assurance, the
sangha, the spiritual community, is created. So, I invite all of you to come and
experience the sangha!
Understand that it is a free bird’s responsibility to liberate all the trapped
birds, to help them, to inspire them to free themselves.
Solutions for physical, mental and emotional
When we unclutch, the first thing that will happen to us will be an inner
healing effect, a deep silence and peace in us.
Second, that inner healing will start radiating as physical wellbeing, which
is our health.
Third, naturally the healing will start radiating in our relationships also.
Fourth, because these three are going beautifully, we will be creative and
Solution for chronic ailments
People come and tell me, ‘Swamiji, for the last twenty years I have been
having knee pain.’ No, it cannot be! Please understand that in reality it cannot
be. I am not disrespecting you or adding more suffering to you by saying all
your problems are only in your head. I am just telling the truth: all your problems
are in your head! I am just stating the truth.
The knee pain you experienced two years ago, the knee pain you experienced
one year ago, the knee pain you experienced two months ago, and the knee
pain you experienced two hours ago are independent experiences. Only because
you connect all of them, you conclude that you have been having knee pain for
twenty years. Is it really true that you have knee pain continuously for twenty
years? What happens to the moments of ‘no knee pain’ in between? The
important thing you need to understand is that because you connect and see all
these as one continuous incident, you block the possibility of self-healing. When
you meditate, you will be able to see these as independent incidents.
Solution for depression
When it comes to depression, understand that the depression that happened
one month ago, the depression that happened one year ago, and the depression
that happened three years ago are independent, individual and unconnected
incidents. The problem is the same as with physical pain. You start connecting
them and concluding that you are having the same depression continuously.
You create an idea that your life itself is depression. Then you start fighting
with the idea. That only gives more life to the depressive thoughts.
When you strongly believe that your last ten years have been filled with
suffering and depression, you create a strong mental setup surrounding it.
Naturally you start thinking that your future is also going to be painful and
filled with depression.
Suppose there is a person sitting in front of you who you think is an enemy.
Suddenly if you see that his head is separate, his legs are separate and his
hands are separate, would you even feel like fighting with him? No! He is not
even worth fighting! He doesn’t even have a solid existence, as you imagined
him to have. So there is nothing to fight with!
In the same way, only when you imagine you have a huge problem in front
of you, that a big person is in front of you, you start fighting and getting into
more trouble. Your depression is not the huge enemy that you think it is. It is
just like the person with disjointed body parts. It is you who has joined the
parts and given it life. Your fighting with depression is the root cause of your
In Ramayana, the ancient Hindu epic, there is a beautiful story. Whoever
stands in front of the monkey king Vali and fights with him, loses half of his
power to him. In the same way, whoever stands in front of the thought shaft
and starts fighting with that shaft, will lose half of their power to that shaft.
The moment you unclutch from the shaft, you experience the neutral space,
and inner healing starts. The moment inner healing starts, physically also you
are healed.
Do not try to renounce your depression, because by your very nature it is
getting renounced, flowing away from you. By your very nature just as joy
disappears from your mind, depression also disappears from your mind. The
moment you try to eliminate the depression, you will extend it and give it more
If you have deep depression, will you stop going to the office? No. You
may carry the depression in your mind but your body moves. You work. You
may not be that productive or efficient, but your body still moves.
Instead of ‘living depression’, I am saying, ‘live unclutched’!
When we live in depression, we don’t have all these questions, ‘If I am
depressed, how can my body move? If I am depressed how will I pay my
bills?’ We don’t have such questions! The depression becomes part of our life.
In the beginning, you may have questions, ‘How can I live unclutched?
How will I even move my body?’ Understand that the constant remembrance
of unclutching does not interfere with your mind or body movements. It only
removes the depression because it lets the depressive thoughts rise and fall
without you clutching to them.
Solution for addiction
What is addiction? It is a behavior or action that if you don’t do, you will
have a terrible feeling of missing something. But if you do it you won’t feel
any joy, it will only be mechanical. Addiction means believing that joy or ecstasy
happens due to some object, person, or situation.
Understand that this is the definition of addiction: trying to elongate the joy
shaft by recreating it. You bring the same persons, situations, incidents, or
happenings into your life again and again, knowing that the same joy is not
going to happen. There are so many addictions. Some people are addicted to
partying, some to smoking, and some to drinking.
Remember: Any outer world thing you bring to your life again and again
will not give you the same excitement as it gave you the first time. It can only
lead to addiction, not happiness. The first time you enjoy a sweet, it is a wonderful
experience. The excitement is totally different. But if you keep eating more of
the same sweet, the same experience is not there anymore. Eventually, you
will not even like the sight of the sweet! You will look at them and say, ‘Oh no,
not more sweets! They make me feel terrible.’ In the same way, when meeting
a person for the first time, the excitement is totally different. Later on, the
excitement wanes.
People come and ask me, ‘How can I break my habits?’ See, habit is a
beautiful word. If you remove ‘h’, ‘a bit’ will remain. If you remove ‘b’, ‘it’
will remain. Only when you remove the ‘I’, the shaft ‘it’ will die! Only when
you remove ‘I’, only when you throw ‘I’ away, will it completely die.
Be very clear, your smoking two days ago, ten years ago, and twenty
years ago - all these three incidents are completely independent. They are not
connected. Mentally, when you start connecting, when you start believing that
you have the habit of smoking, the belief creates an addiction shaft. Then you
start fighting with it. That is what I mean when I say the ‘I’ has to be dropped.
It is your belief that makes it a habit. If you drop the belief, the habit drops.
If you believe it is a joyful experience, you continue to smoke more and
more. If you believe it is a painful experience you start fighting with the shaft.
Either way you don’t win. Even if you believe that smoking is joyful, try to
smoke without restraint and see for yourself how you feel. When you smoke
and inhale with tremendous awareness, it can never be a pleasurable
experience. It will never really be joyful.
When you smoke, in that moment, just see what is happening in your inner
space. You are not enjoying anything. You are just trying to escape from
something. You merely believe that smoking is joyful. Even if you don’t feel
joyful when you are smoking, you try to squeeze joy out of it.
If you deeply scan your life and see, you will understand that whether it is
smoking, or sex, or money, or any other pleasure, even if you don’t feel the
same joy as you felt the first time, you try to squeeze joy out of it. You try to
console yourself, ‘No, this is joy. What else is joy?’ You try to cover the
frustration by believing it is joy. You want to believe it is joy.
Try your best to drop some addiction. You can never be successful. Even
if you drop it, you may be dropping it out of some fear or greed, which is a
much bigger addiction. If you drop smoking out of some fear or greed, you are
not doing anything good to your consciousness, to your inner space. You are
only damaging yourself more.
You might have dropped smoking, but the fear or greed that made you
drop it will be added to your inner space. At least with smoking, you will
destroy only this body. With fear or greed, you will destroy your whole being,
life after life! In the next body, you will carry over the fear and greed. The
smoking habit may not carry over to the next body, but the emotions of fear
and greed will be carried with you to the next body. So the best way is to drop
the idea that you have an addiction, and it will drop.
Meditation techniques
Unclutching – anytime anywhere
When you sit, naturally some thoughts will come. The moment you see a
thought coming, do not give meaning to it. You give it meaning only if you
connect it to your past. Without giving meaning to it, just remember to unclutch
- and see what happens. The moment you remember, ‘Let me unclutch from
this thought; let me not give meaning to it,’ for a few seconds there will be a
small silent gap. The moment you are aware that there is a silence, it will
become one more thought. Then unclutch from that thought also. Then, again
there will be a gap of a few seconds. Then, one more thought will come, ‘I am
in silence’ or ‘I am unclutching’. Unclutch from that thought also. Just the gap
or the silence should become longer and longer. That is the whole idea.
Nithya Dhyaan - Everyday
Meditation for Bliss
The master technique
There are some meditation techniques that are specific for specific times
and people, and there are a few that are universal. Nithya Dhyaan is the
meditation for the seeker of today. It is the cyber age meditation.
The birth of Nithya Dhyaan
First I would like to tell about how this meditation technique Nithya Dhyaan
happened. The essence of the entire inner world research I have done to date
is formulated in the Nithya Dhyaan meditation technique.
Nithya Dhyaan is a formula and a technique that works on the entire being
to transform it and make it ready for the ultimate experience of enlightenment.
Each segment of this unique technique complements the other steps to help
raise the individual consciousness. It is an everyday meditation for eternal
bliss -nithya ananda.
Chakra awareness
To understand this Nithya Dhyaan technique, we first need to understand
a little about the chakras or subtle energy centers. Working on the seven
chakras is like awakening new channels of energy. It is like tuning to a new
channel on television.
There are seven energy centers in
us, each center associated with a
particular emotion. The seven emotions
are lust, fear, worry, attention-need,
jealousy, ego and discontent. Currently,
man can think only based on these seven
emotions. His body itself moves only due
to the utility of any one of these emotions.
Some people will move because of desire,
lust or touch. For some, only fear will
move them. There is nothing wrong in
being driven by emotions such as desire.
But you should experience the other
higher dimensions like love as well. You
should understand that it is possible to
function out of sheer energy, not just out of these emotions.
By awakening the chakras, you will be released from the mental setup of
these emotions. You will start working as a free being. If you are liberated
from such mental setups, only then you will understand the value of the freedom.
For example, if you are liberated from a particular chakra, say the chakra
associated with jealousy, you will experience a new world in that dimension, a
jealousy-free world! On whatever identity your personality is now standing,
on whatever idea your life is now standing, that identity or idea will just melt.
You will experience a new energy altogether.
For example, if you suddenly get interested in the share market business,
you start collecting updates from television, magazines, people etc about the
share market. After a month or so, you start feeling that the whole world is
becoming more aware of the share market. You feel more surrounded by
people related to the share market. It is not that the world has changed, it is
your perspective that has changed. When you shift your energy center, you
will start gathering such kind of people around you.
If you shift your energy center, you can change the world that you see. In
Hindu mythology, they say there are seven worlds. This is what they actually
refer to - the seven emotions that decide how you see the world.
Nithya Dhyaan meditation technique
This is a five-step technique, each step taking seven minutes.
1. Chaotic breathing
Duration: 7 minutes
Sit in vajrasana (sitting with the knees folded
and your feet tucked under, with the bottom resting
on the heels). Normally in our body, the energy flows
from the sahasrara chakra (crown center) to the
muladhara chakra (root center). Vajrasana
posture helps reverse this flow and supports the
upward movement of energy.
Sit with eyes closed, hands on your hips, and
breathe chaotically. Inhale and exhale deeply and
chaotically, without a particular rhythm. Just focus
on the breathing. Your entire being should become
the breathing. Use your whole body to breathe
chaotically. Your whole body should move.
This first part is very physical. Sitting in vajrasana and inhaling and exhaling
chaotically will heal many physical and mental problems. You will see that if
you have any digestion problem, it will be completely healed. When the body
intensity is heightened, you will have a beautiful digestion system.
This first part of Nithya Dhyaan is for creating a healthy body.
An important thing you need to understand is that the quality of breathing
changes depending on the state of your mind. Your emotions have an impact
on the breathing process. When you are in anxiety, your breathing changess.
When you are angry, your breathing changes. When you are in tension, if you
take a deep breath, suddenly you feel light, more relaxed and the tension is
The breath and mind are inter-related. Changing one automatically changes
the other. Emotions may not be in our hands, but our breathing is. If we control
our breathing or bring about some change in our breathing pattern, we will
directly impact our emotions and state of mind.
We tend to breathe in a fixed pattern. Our past samskaras, past memories
locked in our unconscious zone, create a particular type of breathing pattern in
our system. As a result, we attract similar emotions and samskaras to ourselves.
We get into a vicious cycle where our past samskaras create our breathing
pattern and the breathing pattern in turn, attracts similar samskaras and
incidents to us in the future. This vicious cycle has to be broken.
Nithya Dhyaan begins with chaotic breathing. Since the breathing is chaotic,
it has no fixed pattern or rhythm. The pattern of the mind that forms its existence
and expression is broken. Thoughts cannot follow the pattern they have been
following for so many years.
Our muscles store all our past memories in the form of energy biomemories.
The deep chaotic breathing will start releasing the tension in the
muscles, and these engraved memory patterns in the muscles and body parts
will start getting expelled. Our muscles are normally under stress. Chaotic
breathing will loosen the muscles and start clearing the engraved memories.
Each emotion within us gives rise to a particular breathing pattern. You
might have seen that children breathe deeply and blissfully. But as they grow,
they are conditioned by society, picking up from society the perceptions of
pain, pleasure, guilt, beliefs, etc. Then the quality of the breathing changes
totally. In order to shake this pattern which has been created due to the habitually
suppressed emotions, we have to insert chaos. Inserting another pattern is not
the solution.
You have to create utter chaos in your system to dig out all the past
impressions. So don’t follow any rhythmic breathing pattern like pranayama
in this meditation. Just breathe chaotically. This chaotic breathing will destroy
the emotional attachment to all your past memories. It is like shaking a tree
that is full of dead leaves. All the dead leaves will fall down. Chaotic breathing
is like shaking your suppressed system. All the past engraved memories will
be released.
Deep chaotic breathing also infuses tremendous oxygen and releases
carbon dioxide from the body. It creates hyperventilation and as a result you
feel more vibrant and fresh. Through increased intake of oxygen in the blood,
automatically more bio-energy is generated in the cells and all aspects of the
body come alive. The bio-energy that is generated will start clearing the
samskaras, leaving you feeling light, energetic and blissful.
2. Intense humming
Duration: 7 minutes
Continue to sit in vajrasana, form chin mudra
with your fingers where the tips of the forefinger and
thumb touch each other, and place your hands on your
knees, palms facing upwards.
In this posture, with your mouth closed and lips
together, produce a humming sound as intensely as
possible, as loudly as possible and as lengthily as
Produce the sound ‘mmmm…’ from within your
body. If you were to put your face inside an empty
aluminum vessel and make a humming sound, the
sound generated will be similar to this. Note that this
is not ‘humm…’ or ‘omm…’, it is simply keeping your lips together and producing
‘mmm…’ sound. The humming should be as lengthy as possible between breaths.
It should be as deep as possible (from the navel center) and as loud as possible.
There is no need to make an effort to take in deep breaths. The body itself will
take the correct amount of breath when needed.
Put your complete awareness on the humming. Become the humming.
There is continuous talking going on within the mind. This continuous talk is
what we call inner chatter. Humming is an excellent technique to reduce this
inner chatter. Inner chatter is nothing but the flow of independent thoughts
continually happening in us. Humming lets you feel your body as energy. The
moment you start humming, you start feeling light, as if you are floating. You
don’t feel the heaviness in the body because humming matches the vibrations
of the mind with the vibrations of the body. You start experiencing yourself as
Don’t become tense. Just do it in a relaxed manner. Immerse your whole
being and energy into creating this vibration. Try to minimize the gap between
the humming sounds. After some time, you will feel that the humming continues
without your effort and that you have simply become a listener! The body and
the mind start resonating with the humming vibrations.
The humming will create a healthy inner chatter and a healthy heightened
emotional awareness.
3. Chakra awareness
Duration: 7 minutes
Continue to sit in vajrasana or sit cross-legged
if you wish. Keep your fingers in chin mudra. Now
take your awareness to each chakra (energy
center) starting from the muladhara chakra (root
center) to the sahasrara chakra(crown center).
While taking your awareness to a specific energy
center, you should become that energy center. Feel
the energy center completely as if your whole being
has become that energy center.
Each of these seven energy centers is
associated with a specific emotion in our being.
Kirlian photography has captured these chakras and proven their existence
at the energy level. These emotions themselves are a result of the engraved
memories accumulated in the past. The memories pull us to react in the same
old ways to situations and people, and that reaction is what is called emotion.
The rising emotions block the particular energy center, causing physical and
mental disturbances. So in this step we focus our complete awareness on
each energy center, starting from the base of the spine and moving to the
crown. When we flood anything with awareness, the negativity in it dissolves.
This is true for physical pain as well. If there is pain in one part of our body, if
we flood that part with awareness, we will see that the pain shrinks to a point
and disappears!
Flood each of the seven energy centers with full awareness for a minute
each. Feel that only that particular center exists in the whole world and that
there is nothing else. Just become that energy center. Feel the energy center
completely as if your whole being has become that energy center. Then move
to the next center. At the end of this step you will feel completely energized
with positivity and lightness.
By the time you come up to the higher and higher centers, your livingness,
intensity also will rise. This visualization helps to create a healthy mind, healthy
thoughts and heightened emotional awareness. At the end of this step you will
feel energized and light.
Also, if you concentrate on the energy centers, your mind will not wander
as easily. It will just settle down because these are living energy centers. If
you try to concentrate on some other part of the body, your mind can wander
4. Be unclutched
Duration: 7 minutes
In this step, carry the understanding with you that your thoughts are
unconnected, irrational and unclutched. Even if you have thoughts, neither try
to suppress them nor try to react to them. Just watch them with the
understanding that they are illogical and unconnected. Automatically, the
witnessing consciousness will start happening in you.
Understand that whether you realize it or not, accept it or not, you are
already enlightened. By your very nature you are unclutched. Sit silently and
experience the unclutched state, the state of pure being and bliss. This is the
ultimate technique to experience the state of enlightenment.
5. Gratitude
Duration: 7 minutes
We end Nithya Dhyaan by connecting
ourselves to the cosmic energy. In this step, we
relax and rest into the cosmic energy.
Just sit in a relaxed way, feeling connected to
the whole cosmos. If you have love for your
master, or love for some god, sit in a very deep
and passive way, feeling connected to that master
or god, that’s all. Just relax and settle down.
Feel sincerely gratitude to Existence and to
the master for bestowing this great wisdom which
liberates us from ignorance and helps us attain
the state of nithyananda -eternal bliss.
Practice this meditation technique once a day and you will start experiencing
a new dimension of your being. Nithya Dhyaan will prepare your body and
mind to experience the state of pure consciousness and bliss.
Benefits of Nithya Dhyaan
The half-hour Nithya Dhyaan meditation can give you:
· Relief from stress
· Improved relationships
· Inner peace and fulfillment
· Awakened intuition
· Regulated blood pressure
· Enhanced sleep patterns
· Increased clarity
· Increased energy levels for the whole day
· Connection to the Divine energy
You can get your family and friends initiated into Nithya Dhyaan (http:// This will directly contribute to the collective positivity
of planet earth, as more and more people will live in an ‘unclutched’, liberated
way, as jeevan muktas, living enlightened beings. This shift in the individual
consciousness will result in a positive shift in the collective consciousness
which will in turn create an enlightened civilization on planet earth.
Nithya Yoga
Yoga is not about physical fitness alone. It is also about preparing the body
for realizing the aim of uniting body, mind and spirit. Nithya Yoga is the technique
designed in the body language of sage Patanjali for this uniting.
What is yoga?
Patanjali, the father of the ancient science of yoga, says at the very start
of his Yoga Sutras, the foundational scripture of yoga:
Yogaha chitta vritti nirodhaha
He says, ‘Yoga is the cessation of the mind.’ Understand, it doesn’t mean
that yoga ends with the cessation of mind, rather that yoga begins where the
mind ends! Actually, yoga never ends, it can only start. It is a continuous
To understand how yoga is a continuous happening, we need to understand
this important truth: whatever is happening is auspicious. Be very clear, every
experience raises your consciousness and makes you more mature. Even losing
your wealth gives you some maturity. Losing your health gives you some
understanding. When you are able to internalize this truth, you suddenly see
life as a wonderful happening every moment.
A small story:
There was once a ship sailing in the ocean. Suddenly, the captain of the ship
saw bright lights ahead and rushed back to warn that ship to move out of the
way. He quickly announced, ‘Please divert your course fifteen degrees north
to avoid a collision.’ A voice spoke back, ‘We recommend that you divert
your course fifteen degrees south to avoid a collision.’
Now the captain of the ship got angry and replied in a proud and threatening
way, ‘This is the largest ship in the country. We are accompanied by three
destroyers, defense equipment and many support ships. I demand that you
change your course fifteen degrees north or counter-measures will be
undertaken to ensure the safety of this ship.’
The voice replied in a straight tone, ‘We are a lighthouse!’
Understand, Existence is happening continuously and guiding you also so
that whatever happens to you happens in the best possible way. Just fall in
tune with it, that is the best course! Yoga is a path to fall in tune, just like tuning
a radio to a higher frequency. The word ‘yoga’ literally means ‘uniting’.
Patanjali – founder of Yoga
Patanjali is the founder of the yoga system. He was the first master who
created a clear, scientific, logical system to reproduce the experience of
Patanjali was the first master, or I can say the ‘spiritual navigator’, who
created the map and gave complete directions to enlightenment. He created
clear-cut directions, step by step formulae to reproduce the experience of
enlightenment. Just as scientists create a formula to reproduce the understanding
of the outer world phenomena, Patanjali created a beautiful formula, a
technology, to reproduce the understanding of the inner world, of enlightenment.
Raghupati Yogi – master of Yoga
I had the great fortune to be around a living master of yoga, Yogiraj
Yogananda Puri, also called Raghupati Yogi. He had mastered the whole science
of yoga as discovered by Patanjali.
He had mastered all aspects of yoga including the physical aspect of bending
the body into various postures called asana or Hatha Yoga, working with
prana or the life energy, working with the mind, working with visualization
power, working with emotions and other dimensions of yoga. He had a deep
insight into the core truths of yoga.
Only the person who has experienced the consciousness of Patanjali can
bring Patanjali back to life. I had the great fortune to be with such a master
who had experienced that consciousness or the inner space of Patanjali.
He had amazing strength and unimaginable physical power that he
expressed so casually. He would tie an iron rope around his chest and exhale
completely, then he would inhale, and the iron rope would break into pieces!
Usually a logical mind cannot accept or understand that all this is possible,
but this great yogi made everything possible. I had the good fortune to be
around him and see him levitating, not once but several times. He would inhale
deeply and hold the breath. The moment he did that, the body would lift from
the ground like an inflated balloon!
From a very young age, I had the fortune to be at his feet, under his
guidance and care. Every day from morning until noon for at least four to five
hours a day, he would make me do all the traditional yogic techniques like
various asanas, neti and dhauti where I would have to swallow a long cloth
to clean the intestines and the internal system!
Just move the body with the intention and get the
On some days, Raghupati Yogi would ask me to sit still and be very peaceful,
to meditate on stillness, peace and tranquility. Then after ten minutes, he would
suddenly tell me to stand up and run around the entire temple as fast as I
He would make me bend this way and that way. In the temple where he
would teach me yoga, there were a number of pillars. He would make me
climb every stone pillar and come down. And I had to use only one hand to
climb the pillars and come down!
I would ask him why he was making me climb all the pillars, because I
couldn’t find any books or any sutras saying climbing pillars was a part of
He said a beautiful thing, ‘For whatever purpose you bend your body or
move your body, that memory and idea will become completely inserted or
completely recorded in your body and mind.’
It was a very shocking revelation! He said, with any intention that you
move your body, bend your body, or make your body active, that intention, that
purpose, will be recorded into your body. That samskara will start expressing
in your body.
Today, especially in the West, there has been too much of connecting
diseases and asanas (postures of yoga) as in for this disease, you have to do
that asana, for this problem you have to do that technique. Understand, doing
asanas for solving a disease is not the purpose of yoga! When you think of a
disease and do yoga with that thought in your mind, you are actually pushing
the imprint of the thought of that disease into your system!
Raghupati Yogi says, any asana practiced, or any physical movement
practiced for some purpose or with some intention, will create that effect in
your body. He says that this is possible even with ordinary sitting. If you strongly
believe that by sitting you will have health and you sit for health, you will see
health simply happening in you!
Understand, your body itself is made out of your memory. Your mind,
what you think of as you, makes up the building blocks of your body.
Every memory is recorded in your muscles. So when you change the
memories, you can simply change your system also. Your system can and will
respond to the memory you create. This is how the transformation in the
body-mind happens through Nithya Yoga. The inner space is cleaned first so
the mind falls in tune. Then the body follows as the physical movement is done
with the intention. The intention gets inserted into the very muscle memory
and cellular intelligence.
Scientific evidence
‘We are what our perceptions are. As are our perceptions, so become our
actions. As are our actions, so becomes our destiny.’ This is not a quote from
the Upanishad, but from ‘The Biology of Belief ’, a book by Dr Bruce Lipton,
a cellular biologist who has presented a new theory on how cells behave. We
have been taught by society that we behave the way our genes are designed.
Dr Lipton, after his research, says the opposite - our genes are designed through
the way we behave!
There have been many recorded incidents of the ability of intention and
visualization actually resulting in the intention becoming physical reality itself!
For example, people have cured their own fatal diseases like cancer or
overcome tremendous physical handicaps by pushing their limits and going
beyond what they thought was their capacity. These things have happened
through the power of intention which transforms basic cellular memory.
This ancient truth is now being proven with the support of modern scientific
findings. It has been found that whatever we think deeply and continuously
has a profound effect on us - physically, mentally and spiritually.
Purpose of Nithya Yoga
Nithya Yoga is my offering to the world. It is the science, the formula, that
will give others the same experience of enlightenment which happened in me.
The purpose of Nithya Yoga is simple - to experience and express bliss.
With Nithya Yoga, the capacity to experience bliss will just explode in your
inner space. The capacity to radiate bliss will start happening in your body.
As of now, your system may not be prepared to stay in that enlightened
space, to radiate that same experience continuously. Nithya Yoga prepares
your body to experience and stay in and radiate the inner bliss, the eternal bliss
Through Nithya Yoga, I am training seekers not only to experience the
bliss, but also to stabilize the experience in them, and to radiate that experience
continuously in their life. The purpose of Nithya Yoga is to help people unclutch
and experience eternal bliss. People may also find that physical healing results
as a byproduct or side-effect. But be clear that yoga is for much more than
physical health, which is just one benefit of yoga. The emotional benefits are
also tremendous but these are also more like byproducts!
In the same way, meditation is not just for mental well being. Mental wellbeing
is just one side-effect happening through meditation. The goal of Nithya
Yoga is making your whole life, every activity and every movement transformed
into yoga, into bliss.
Nithya Yoga is conducted today worldwide. Every session of Nithya Yoga
deepens the uniting of the body-mind-spirit by bringing together all the eight
limbs of Patanjali’s Ashtanga yoga, by including all the elements like asana,
pranayama, mudra etc.
Nithya Yoga is not about adding more movements to your life. It is about
adding more life to your movements.
If you are present, if you are aware, and if you are totally in the moment
while doing anything, it is yoga – Nithya Yoga.
About Nithyananda Mission
Paramahamsa Nithyananda is the living enlightened
master of this millennium. With a worldwide movement
for meditation and inner bliss, Nithyananda offers
solutions for anything from everyday stress to
With a strong footing in the vedic tradition and
embracing all world religions as paths to the ultimate
Truth, Nithyananda draws people from around the world
crossing all societal, cultural, language, age and gender
barriers, to be a part of a grand civilization living
The ashrams and centers set up worldwide offer quantum spirituality where
material and spiritual worlds merge and create blissful living.
The services provided by the organization include meditation, yoga, free
energy healing through the Nithya Spiritual Healing system, free education to
youth, promoting art and culture, satsangs (spiritual gatherings), specialized
programs for corporates, prisons etc, free medical camps including specialized
eye, dental and gynecological treatment, complementary medicines from
ayurveda, siddha and homeopathy, free meals at all ashrams worldwide, a
holistic system of education for children through an in-house gurukul,and
residential life skills training programs for youth.
Nithyananda’s mission aims to initiate at least one hundred thousand people
into ‘living enlightenment’, empowering them to live a conflict-free life in the
inner and outer worlds, expressing their ultimate potential every moment.
In his own words, ‘When you start living enlightenment, you automatically
raise the human consciousness around you. Living enlightenment holds the
key to global peace and inner bliss. Every individual should be a pioneer in this
transition of human consciousness to divine consciousness.’
Highlights of Mission activities and milestones
Life Solutions & Meditation Workshops: Programs uniquely designed
for corporate personnel, individuals, children, students and young adults, and
the physically or mentally challenged. The training and technologies that
Nithyananda offers in these programs give people the tools they need to create
successful lives in the midst of global challenges.
Nithya Yoga: Nithyananda is reviving Patanjali’s authentic system of Yoga.
‘Nithya Yoga’ revolutionizes our understanding of the true purpose of yoga,
which is the integration and transformation of the individual at all levels body,
mind and being. Individuals specifically trained in this system offer classes
in centers, universities, prisons and yoga studios around the world.
Medical Camps: Free treatment and therapies for the needy with
allopathy, homeopathy, ayurveda, acupuncture, gynecology, ophthalmology
diagnosis and surgery, blood donation camps and more.
Rural Education: Rural Indian schools receive support through donation
of new building blocks, uniforms, educational materials and meditation programs
free of charge.
Life Bliss Technology: A 3-months/ two year life skills training program
offered as a residential course to young adults under the direct guidance of
Nithyananda. Participants learn skills for practical and successful living rooted
in the science of enlightenment. They graduate as dynamic leaders in their
respective businesses and communities with great spiritual strength.
Life Bliss Engineering: A three months residential course offered to
youth for developing a yogic body and a Vedic mind, thus enabling them to live
enlightenment. Conduted under the direct guidance of Paramahamsa, this
program is a lifetime opportunity to live with an enlightened master in the
energy field.
The Nithyananda Order: Spiritual aspirants are ordained as sannyasis,
brahmacharis and brahmacharinis and undergo years of intensive training
in the sciences of yoga, meditation, traditional puja, the Sanskrit language
and vedic chanting, all of which form the basis of blissful and successful
living. They administer the mission’s multifarious activities at the ashrams
and centers worldwide, thus serving Paramahamsa’s global vision for the
positive transformation of humanity.
Nithyananda Gurukul: A modern scientific approach to education
combined with the vedic system of learning. The Gurukul protects and develops
the innate intelligence of the children, thus enabling them to mature and excel
without repression, fear or peer pressure, as wonderful energies of love and
Promotion of Vedic Culture and Tradition: The ashrams, temples and
worldwide centers of the mission actively raise individual awareness and train
people in the arts and sciences of the Indian cultural tradition. They are spiritual
laboratories providing ongoing research and learning of the diverse facets of
the rich vedic culture, thus creating a new appreciation for these ancient
Formal Membership in Meditation Therapy (FIMT): A three month
correspondence program to become a meditation teacher.
Glimpse of Meditation Programs
Life Bliss Program Level 1 (LBP Level 1)
A chakra-based meditation program that relaxes and energizes the seven
major chakras or subtle energy centers in the body. It gives clear intellectual
and experiential understanding of various emotions such as greed, fear, worry,
attention-need, stress, jealousy, ego and discontentment.
Life Bliss Program Level 2 (LBP Level 2)
A meditation program that creates the space to detach from ingrained and
unconscious emotions like guilt, pleasure and pain. It is a gateway to a new life
that is driven by natural intelligence and spontaneous enthusiasm.
Inner Awakening
An enlightenment intensive program for sincere seekers offering yoga,
powerful teachings, meditation, initiation and more. This program is an intense
experience to prepare the body-mind system to hold and radiate the experience
of ‘living enlightenment’.
An experiential meditation program sowing in you the seed of living
enlightenment. It empowers you with the energy to align your actions with
your intentions so you move with success and inner bliss.
Over 600 powerful video clips of Nithyananda’s talks are available for
free online at
Visit and to
purchase galleria items including books, DVDs, CDs and energized items and
Contact Us
Bengaluru, Karnataka
(Spiritual headquarters and Nithyananda Vedic Temple)
Nithyanandapuri, Off Mysore Road,
Bidadi, Bengaluru - 562 109
Karnataka, INDIA
Ph.: +91 +80 27202801 / +91 92430 48957
Los Angeles, USA
Los Angeles Nithyananda Vedic Temple
9720 Central Avenue, Montclair, CA 91763
Ph.: +1 909 625 1400